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Early Decisions - software
Not sure if this is ever been mention before.
Recently ive been playin a big range of games, tournys etc, and one thing ive noticed. is that when players are all in, either pre-flop or on the flop. the result appears in the chat bar before the turn or river are dealt!!
Does anybody else see this?
If so i'll do some recordings and post them up so u can see what im seeing. I mean am watchin the chat box rather than the cards bein dealt it just doesnt feel right!!
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Was debated in Area51 I recall
Nothing needs fixing at the Sky Poker end, the action all takes place when it should - it is just lag, which is specific to individual PC's or Lappies. Not everyone sees the "result" at exactly the same time, but it has no bearing on the outcome.
I am sorry but i dont by this lag issue, for a start I have high speed broadband and it should not struggle with a poker game even with multi table action,
I have watched my video's again and again, and I have realised the early decision only appears when a player is bust. Hence again not lag issue. So if a player is eliminated it may appear in the chat box prior to even the turn card being dealt.
I dont believe this to change the outcome or feel its some sort of fiddle. I just believe to be a major floor in the software and a big annoyance. it certainly doesnt add to the poker experience.