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this is a sick flop in the primo
subsnwSmall blind 40.0040.004282.50topoff2Big blind 80.00120.001363.50 Your hole cards10K bigal36903Fold GBD301Fold jawzindawzFold DrRunGoodRaise 160.00280.003985.00subsnwCall 120.00400.004162.50topoff2Call 80.00480.001283.50Flop 105K subsnwCheck topoff2Check DrRunGoodBet 240.00720.003745.00subsnwFold topoff2All-in 1283.502003.500.00DrRunGoodCall 1043.503047.002701.50topoff2Show55 DrRunGoodShow10K Turn 2 River 2 topoff2WinFull House, 5s and 2s3047.00 3047.00
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