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Open message to Badb******. Instead of criticising my play when I win look at your own play and see why you lost.
For the record pushed with 77 and 88 called by overcards - second time for stack - which failed to hit . Oppo went out and started to call me for pushing with the middle pairs. What would you do, I ask ?
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Weve all had this....a little bit of injustice tilt. If he is rude or abusive then report the player. I would have no hesitation whatsoever. Its always odd how they justify themselves in one sentence usually ending in an expletive! In your hd you would need to give more information really i feel as to ss, pos, level in T, flow etc to warrant an accurate answer.
However, why would you give advice on what to play or not unless you were tilted. There's no need. Gl at the tables...
Airing personal issues with no context...or even with tbh is kinda pointless.
n Response to Re: bad loser: