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hi all, i was bored tonight ( hubby working) so thought id deposit a fiver. the first few hours went great sat on 2 tables 1 nl4 holdem and 1 omaha, felt like i was playing well and got up to £14.
the tables emptied so moved to other tables however its all changed, im getting hardly any cards and when i do play a hand im lossing. dont think iv changed the way im playing on the other tables, but im down to £1.17 now.
does this happen to everyone or have i for some reason changed my play?
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Post a few hands and we might be able to tell you how you've been playing. Nothing wrong with being a beginner but unfortunately poker's a game that can be costly to learn...
these small pots add up over a short time and before you know it your stack is not to healthy.
If you deposit £5 to two table 4nl;he or 4plho you will lose it a lot of time even if you are a winning player
I tend to deposit £50 get it up to £200 and then back to zero fairly quickly
Bankrolls are overrated