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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSilentChivSmall blind £0.05£0.05£9.70xBig blind £0.10£0.15£9.18 Your hole cardsJJ ShortyRaise £0.20£0.35£1.08VillianCall £0.20£0.55£4.99xFold SilentChivRaise £0.80£1.35£8.90xFold ShortyAll-in £1.08£2.43£0.00VillianAll-in £4.99£7.42£0.00SilentChivFold VillianUnmatched bet £3.91£3.51£3.91ShortyShowQ10 VillianShow77 Flop 4KJ Turn 5 River 7 VillianWinThree 7s£3.24 £7.15
Not sure weather to make the call, was going to call the shorty but then when villian limp jammed then looked to me like it was very strong
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Mayb your applying your own thinking to you oppo play, if you would do this doesn't mean everyone will - I could be wrong but I thought it was worth saying