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Bounced back from a horrible night
Played four tournaments tonight - £600 BH, £100 Omaha HiLo, Chip and a Chair and £500 BH. Got it in good in 3 out of the 4 and busted out to quad 6's, trip Aces, straight flush and a flush. I only played a total of 9 hands and had lost £11.20.
I thought I would have one more go and entered an £11 timed tournament (60 mins,). I got very lucky on the second hand when I went all in with top 2 pairs and found matey had made a straight. The river gave me the same straight for a split pot. From then on I ran like a dream and ended up 3rd with winnings of £64.90.
Keep plugging away guys. The luck will even itself out if you don't weaken.
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