finished both deepies i must have anoyed the dealer cos he kept giving the player next to me pk As 5 times, my pk Qs i had to fold cos of the A on the turn and my AJ at the end ran into pk As and other deepy i raised pre with AQ guy shoves all in with J9off pre and hits flush then to finish me off completely my opponent hits fh with 9 10 off good night me couldnt do a bloomin thing.
Congratulations this week go to HITMANRV (THS) who wins with a score of 6 runner up is SOLACK (TEAM SOL) who takes the 2nd spot on the countback rule from DRUMAHAI05 (TEAM51) very well played to all who cashed made FT's and won tourneys as ever there was another great rail on all the final tables here are the Final Standings, & Team League Points as Follows Name Team pts Team / Ind 715D 745D Totty Score Pos HITMAN_RV 10+1 THS Capt. 2 4 73 6 1 SOLACK 9+1 TEAM SOL 1 83 8 9 2 DRUMAHAI05 8 Team51 20 3 6 9 3 BORINLONER IND 13 184 2 15 4 MADMOO 6 TPT 60 7 10 17 5 18AND5TIME 5 DYM Capt. 3 78 20 23 6 BETTERHA1F IND 14 71 9 23 7 GEO68 3 TPT 99 9 15 24 8 BEAR_PROOF 2 THS 39 12 13 25 9 RAB642 1 THS 6 22 132 28 10 3 x Team Captains in top 10!! Closest team result in very long time!! WP All !! March week 3 team result!! TEAM Runners Wins Team Pts League Pts HitSquad 22 1 14 7 Team Solack 1 1 10 6 PokerTrev 14 - 9 5 Team 51 6 - 8 4 DYM LegEnds 3 - 5 3 Ninja Plonkers 5 - - 2 Knight Poker 4 - - 1 Posted by HITMAN_RV
i know i didnt do well this week lol but you didnt include me on the list Posted by Dazler
Hi daz, I did have you on the list but removed you from the final standings as you don't appear to have played the TOT last night, and only those who played 3 events get a score on the spreadsheet.
Well Done to Hitman RV (THS CAPT.) who won tonights Forum DTD, with Solack (Team Solack) 2nd & Drumahai05 (Team 51) 3rd. ALL 3 Scored under 10 Points.
Also VWP to all that made Final Tables Tonight & to those that Cashed. It has been another night of Great Poker hope to see you all next week
WP All !!
March week 3 team result!!
TEAM Runners Wins Team Pts League Pts
HitSquad 22 1 14 7
Team Solack 1 1 10 6
PokerTrev 14 - 9 5
Team 51 6 - 8 4
DYM LegEnds 3 - 5 3
Ninja Plonkers 5 - - 2
Knight Poker 4 - - 1
Forum DTD Team Table March WEEK 3
Team Runners Wins Team pts League pts
HitSquad 64 4 41 20
Pokertrev 44 0 31 16
Team 51 33 1 39 15
DYM LegEnds 12 0 10 9
KnightPoker 16 1 9 8
Ninja Plonkers 11 0 0 8
Team Solack 3 1 10 7
Team Sky 1 0 0 1
Well played Hitman and all the others as well.
Really enjoyed the chat in the Take on Tikay with nemoisback, ibluff, Tempusfuge, DTWBandit and others.
Looking forward to Next Monday.
A Great Night Again in what is a great tournament format!!
Thanks again to Chris & Michael for starting & developing this, now, MONSTER!!! LOL!!