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love these spots am i right to shove here my thinking is any 7 would call so no point betting pot et
1718Small blind £0.10£0.10£21.25IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.20£0.30£39.80 Your hole cards87 DBCooperFold bmh1946Call £0.20£0.50£16.63LEE001Fold 1718Call £0.10£0.60£21.15IDONKCALLUCheck Flop 634 1718Check IDONKCALLUCheck bmh1946Check Turn 5 1718Bet £0.20£0.80£20.95IDONKCALLURaise £1.00£1.80£38.80bmh1946Fold 1718Call £0.80£2.60£20.15River K 1718Check IDONKCALLUAll-in £38.80£41.40£0.001718Fold IDONKCALLUMuck IDONKCALLUWin £2.47 £2.47IDONKCALLUReturn £38.80£0.13£41.27
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If deep stack then probably just bet pot - potx1.5
Never used this tactic myself. I'd probably change my mind if I had used this and was paid off. lol
Nice hand
Think a lot of players (even bad) see the hand for what is. River shove is beeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyond polarised. We are basically saying we have the exact hand we have or a bluff.
If its a bluff, pfff take it. And all but the minority, yes even bad players will fold a 7/sets.
I get what it is your trying to achieve, against a super super bad player (whom we only put on a 7) it would be fine, but only in that circumstance. So a very very narrow circumstance huh? Terra bad player with a 7. Better to OB pot and let terra bad player raise than just shove and give the vast majority of the spectrum every single excuse in the universe to fold.
Range in your posted hand is too narrow IMO.
Sure, if we believe we get called enough - maybe 1 in 9 times its fine (given his stack size). But I doubt we will on this board. Even bad players will often fold a 7 as played.
In the right circumstance the value overshove is priceless. I just dont believe this is it.
Really quoting 1 hand from 1 player as guiding line bud? C'mon.
Like I said get what it was you were aiming for, in different circumstances its good.
Seems like he is mixing a few messages, the messages themselves being fine, just not the application in the circumstance.
Seems like hes working hard on the curve. Take the time to type something useful
imo when the situation occurs where you have enough info to believe oppo has a seven then a jam is good for the reasons stu rutter mentions -
Bet smaller on river, if your bet is small enough then he will probably re raise with a 7 and you can get it in. Much better than shoving imo, though iv seen far worse moves.
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