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TV Highlights of the Forum DTD
Hi Sky,
It's been mentioned on here alot that people would love to see some of the DTD shown on channel 865 and I was thinking of a way to make it more interesting.
You get one of the Sky presenters/analysts like Scotty, Thewy, Carlo, get them to play the Forum DTD on a Monday, then show hightlights on the Tuesday show. This way you could follow the pro's play throughout the tourney and anyone will know if they're on say Scotty's table, they might be on TV, and maybe you could chuck something in like whoever knocks out the analyst gets free entry into next weeks DTD which is a cheap prize but alot would be happy with it. The prize is optional really though, I think people just wanna see the DTD on TV because it's so popular.
I know you can only show TV tables, but could not just mark the 3 DTD games as TV tables so people are aware hands might be shown
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Maybe get the last winner of DTD onto the live show on the 29th March, or something!!
Wot u Reckon???
Hitman wear the pink suit and even I would watch you.
This has been mentioned a few times on Forum DTD Facebook Page, It would be great if Sky Towers were able to show Forum DTD on the telly. We would not really need an Analyst / Pro to play (tho it would be good if they did) as the Quality of Players that take part is very high (the last 2 weeks have gone to the wire) also quite a few of the Players go to SPT'S.
Forum DTD has gone from Strength to Strength so maybe it's time it got some hands on the telly
Well imagine if they showed the DTD tables on a Monday night like this.
Not sure if this would be more complicated to do with mtt's and 3 different tourney's would no doubt complicate the matter further (maybe pick 1 of the tourneys each week eg. £2.20 one week, £1.10 the next, etc.).
so +1 to dis here ting
Just to correct you Paul numbers have been steady between 70 & 80 Runners every week & has been that way for Months
+1 to this idea
np Forum DTD is & Always Will Be for people that use thisForum that's why it was set up lol
Surely showing one is better than none, no?
Call me cynical, and I hope I'm wrong, but could the Skypoker thread re the Team Captain Battle be a ploy to distract from the fact that there has been total silence from Sky on the DTD TV request?
If hands are going to be shown on TV then all of the DTD tournies would probably have to have a "TV Icon" to make players aware that their hands/play could be broadcast to the public.
Some players don't like their hands/play being televised and may not wish to enter the tournies at all, but they are entitled to their privacy I suppose. I am sure Sky would cover all the legal aspects in any case if it is do-able.
Personally I don't mind if they broadcast my hands all day long, but it would probably be best suited to the comedy channel
It would be nice to hear from the folks at SKY with any thoughts .
Obviously they need to change them to tournies with a TV icon but I don't think this would adversely affect the number of runners at all, if anything quite the opposite. I (and many others) often would like to see their hands on TV but I am simply not rolled to be playing MEs so I have to resort to playing the odd bit of mastercash where really I'm only happy to sit at 10NL (cos I think you should always buyin for 200BB if the options there). So as long as they put the icon there, it is the responsibility of anyone who registers to see that and so Sky's job is done.