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As everyone who watches the live shows will be aware, Lol_Raise was supposed to be on the show last night, and wasn't, through no fault of his own. Like many others, I was looking forward to seeing one of the most well-renowned players on the site analysing people's play, and was disappointed when, at 8pm, there was still only two people sat on the sofa (even though those two people were the lovely Anna Fowler, and the best analyst currently on Sky IMO in Stuart Rutter).
Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong here, but both guests on the last 2 live shows never appeared in front of the camera because apparently you have to be 25 now? This makes me wonder...
1) Since when have guests had to be 25 to go on the show, and why?
2) For this to happen twice in 2 days, seemingly there was little or no procedure in place to prevent people under 25 being on the show, and therefore, this has never been an issue until now?
3) Why is it okay to have under 25's on during the breaks (I remember there used to be an interview with Annette Obrestad a while back) but not on the show itself?
4) Why, in any way, shape, or form, should the number of times that the earth has orbited the sun since you were born, rounded down to the nearest integer, affect whether someone should be able to sit in front of a camera and tell people how to play Poker or not?
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It's a bit like the "Challenge21/25" policy in Supermarkets when buying alcohol, if you "look" under 25 you are required to show ID.
I believe the TV regulator insists when showing Over18 content that nobody on the broadcast "looks" under 25 so therefore there is no chance of an under 18 being shown
Not sure how it works regarding interviews and coverage of SPT etc as they clearly show known under 25 year olds on there.
I am presuming it is a new policy but thats just a guess!!
I did address this matter on last night's Show thread. It was not easy, as I had to hold my hands up to an error, but I did so openly, truthfully, & honestly. It was/is a shared responsibility, by all of the 865 Team, but I decided to accept the blame personally, which seemed right & proper - we are a Team.
To your further questions - which is slightly uncomfortable for me, as everyone makes mistakes from time to time, & none of us much enjoy having our noses rubbed in it, especially when we have readily fessed up, I reply as follows.......
1) The Guidelines by OFCOM & ASA change with some frequency, as does our Legal Advisors interpretation of them. They are GUIDELINES, not Rules or laws as such, which makes it an even trickier line to tread. We as a Channel do every single thing in our power to stay the right side of those guidelines, even if it means a little problem or inconvenience from time to time. As to "Why?", you must ask OFCOM & ASA that, they make these guidelines, not Channel 865, or Sky Poker.
2) It has been an issue for a while now, months rather than days. The procedures are in place, and have hitherto workerd perfectly, or almost so, but a really weird combination of circumstances mean't that it happened twice in 3 days.
Clearly, the procedures were inadequate, (hindsight is such a wonderful thing) & there was a big pow-wow on Monday after Sunday's unfortunate mistake, & much stronger & better procedures were put in place.
However, by then, Tuesday's Guest had already long been booked, & it was only on Tuesday afternoon that the realisation dawned upon us that we had a problem there too. We addressed it immediately, & a little painfully, but it had to be done.
3) It IS acceptable to have under 25's on the Channel in certain circumstances, & the Guidelines are infuriatingly vague. You must ask OFCOM as to why they deem it to be the case, we have to follow the protocols, we don't write them.
4) There are very clear & obvious reasons, but I'll leave you to think about those. Again, not our decision, it is a clear & very strong OFCOM guideline, & we are committed to remaining compliant in every way.
I would also draw your attention to the two GAMCARE links at the bottom of every page on We are totally committed to our responsibilities in that respect.
There is a huge difference, which we must come to terms with.
It is not quite as easy as is being assumed to move from A to B.