Off to Wembley on Sunday for the JPT final. Come on you reeeeeddddssssss Posted by FlashFlush
Gl on Sunday to you lot , as a Carlisle fan I know how you feel having been to a few these finals, SKY TV put the games on early so they can still have a Super Sunday game later.... And Wembleys a hell of a long way away for us. In the end became almost an annual wekend in London, much easier though more expensive. GL and enjoy it, youll have a great day.
The Government were considering leaving the clocks as they are but there was limited support for it as it would mean Scotland would be too dark in the early morning and it would be less safe on the roads for Kids going to school.
In Response to Re: Spring Forward....... : The Government were considering leaving the clocks as they are but there was limited support for it as it would mean Scotland would be too dark in the early morning and it would be less safe on the roads for Kids going to school. Posted by shaun84
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was GMT they were thinking of staying on, it was BST, and then moving to BST+1 the following summer.
In Response to Re: Spring Forward....... : Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was GMT they were thinking of staying on, it was BST, and then moving to BST+1 the following summer. Posted by NoseyBonk
You may be correct. I know the reasoning behind not changing was due to Scotland being darker in the mornings, but the debate/conversation was 6 months ago so the details are a little sketchy in my mind. I've been to sleep at least twice since then, and I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast this I'm sure your probably right though mate.
In the end became almost an annual wekend in London, much easier though more expensive.
GL and enjoy it, youll have a great day.
Cheers for Reminder forgot all about it
good job tk reminded me!
Silly main T really. The trip to vegas & accomadation per man is considorably more value than the cash prizes as far as I can see?
Dont 3 bet me oop with 7s again, painful