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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegeezer1986Small blind £0.15£0.15£32.94bluemoon88Big blind £0.30£0.45£35.29 Your hole cards65 Milano52Call £0.30£0.75£27.48mak68Fold bolly580Raise £0.90£1.65£36.96JUDGEJONCall £0.90£2.55£24.84geezer1986Fold bluemoon88Raise £1.80£4.35£33.49Milano52Call £1.80£6.15£25.68bolly580Call £1.20£7.35£35.76JUDGEJONCall £1.20£8.55£23.64Flop JA8 bluemoon88Bet £4.28£12.83£29.21Milano52Raise £8.56£21.39£17.12bolly580All-in £35.76£57.15£0.00JUDGEJONFold bluemoon88All-in £29.21£86.36£0.00Milano52All-in £17.12£103.48£0.00bolly580Unmatched bet £2.27£101.21£2.27bluemoon88ShowKA Milano52Show4A bolly580Show65 Turn K River Q bolly580WinFlush to the Queen£99.41 £101.68
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at least you shoved and didnt call an all in so wd you lucky fish
nice pot i think i woulda folded AK after that betting.