thanks its not that great im a BIG FISH lol like spalshies says i play alot of frenzies and i am a grinder every week i make a withdraw and start from scratch begining of next week i do ok for small stakes player tho 1 day i will get to play with the big boys lol hard work and alot of playing u can get there look at scotty 77 and tommy d im sure they started from the low cash and made it up the levels to where they are now it takes ages to do but if u put the work in im sure any 1 can get there
thanks its not that great im a BIG FISH lol like spalshies says i play alot of frenzies and i am a grinder every week i make a withdraw and start from scratch begining of next week i do ok for small stakes player tho 1 day i will get to play with the big boys lol hard work and alot of playing u can get there look at scotty 77 and tommy d im sure they started from the low cash and made it up the levels to where they are now it takes ages to do but if u put the work in im sure any 1 can get there Posted by IDONKCALLU
Whats the best way to play those frenzies?
Iv had a go at a few in the past, and not sure the best way to play you set urself a limit of number of rebuys?
thanks its not that great im a BIG FISH lol like spalshies says i play alot of frenzies and i am a grinder every week i make a withdraw and start from scratch begining of next week i do ok for small stakes player tho 1 day i will get to play with the big boys lol hard work and alot of playing u can get there look at scotty 77 and tommy d im sure they started from the low cash and made it up the levels to where they are now it takes ages to do but if u put the work in im sure any 1 can get there Posted by IDONKCALLU
cheers but my MTT graph is getting quite embarrasing its ridic!
fwiw about 18 months ago I was basically busto and had to grind my way back on 20nl and the 5.50/11quid tournies on here.
cant tell u that can i splashies i need a good mtt bink i do have the odd win in a £5.50 tourney say 100 quid but never had a big bink yet maybe 1 day i min cash in main event alot but never final table but thats variance 9/10 tourneys u play u aint going to cash
put it this way splashies if i do a frenzy rebuy i never quit no point playing a rebuy if your bankroll is a tenner lol if your lucky u might qualify and not rebuy u have to be extremely lucky to do that mind
put it this way splashies if i do a frenzy rebuy i never quit no point playing a rebuy if your bankroll is a tenner lol if your lucky u might qualify and not rebuy u have to be extremely lucky to do that mind Posted by IDONKCALLU
In Response to Re: IDONK's Sharkscope : Whats the best way to play those frenzies? Iv had a go at a few in the past, and not sure the best way to play you set urself a limit of number of rebuys? Posted by splashies
Very interesting indeed! I saw this graph with Emma and thought it looked mighty tasty but I didn't know SS didn't include rebuys. On the bright side, I never play rebuy tournies, so mine is as bad as it actually looks
Yeah, there are quite a few sharkscopes out there that have been manipulated (intentionally or unintentially) by the lack of rebuy tracking.
Heres the scenario on the frenzy's.
£1.65, each entry into a £33BH frenzy sat i think. Now if you can guarantee (yes I know, you can never really guarantee anything in poker) that you'd get a seat, then you could rebuy 20 times and be exactly even (£33 spent, £33 credited), the result of this on sharkscope? Oh hi there £31.35 profit.
Not sure how many frenzy's run daily, but if you could get a seat in 3 out of 5 frenzys and spend a maximum of ~40 rebuys (could be higher/lower, variance is going to be big I imagine) then you make a profit of at least £33.
My graph dosnt look too bad on mtts but my stt is awful and cant understand why its so bad. I may just stop playing stt and stick with mtts as im more successfull. I dont know if its because ive entered a lot of satalites and havnt cashed on these or not that are included in the stt stats. Anyone else have this problem?
My graph dosnt look too bad on mtts but my stt is awful and cant understand why its so bad. I may just stop playing stt and stick with mtts as im more successfull. I dont know if its because ive entered a lot of satalites and havnt cashed on these or not that are included in the stt stats. Anyone else have this problem? Posted by Dazler
In Response to Re: IDONK's Sharkscope : So if you satalite for say 2.20 into a £200 mtt buy in and lose in the main do your stats show you lost £200 or £2.20 this has always confused me. Posted by Dazler
Nah, they used to, but now the satellite will show £198 cash profit or wahtever so it all works out properly
In Response to Re: IDONK's Sharkscope : So if you satalite for say 2.20 into a £200 mtt buy in and lose in the main do your stats show you lost £200 or £2.20 this has always confused me. Posted by Dazler
The sat will show on your skope as +198, the tourny itself will show as -200, so overall will be -2, which is correct.
In Response to Re: IDONK's Sharkscope : Nah, they used to, but now the satellite will show £198 cash profit or wahtever so it all works out properly Posted by Poker_Fail
but if you make it that far and go out you lose and dont make any profit so it would be decieving. Surly it should only say you lost the 2 quid on your stats that would make more sense. Otherwise your stats could look like you have won thousands and really you havnt won anything just a lot of sats lol.
Maybe including rebuys is an improvement Sharkscope needs to make.
also it does not include cash tables.
Yeah, there are quite a few sharkscopes out there that have been manipulated (intentionally or unintentially) by the lack of rebuy tracking.
Heres the scenario on the frenzy's.
£1.65, each entry into a £33BH frenzy sat i think. Now if you can guarantee (yes I know, you can never really guarantee anything in poker) that you'd get a seat, then you could rebuy 20 times and be exactly even (£33 spent, £33 credited), the result of this on sharkscope? Oh hi there £31.35 profit.
Not sure how many frenzy's run daily, but if you could get a seat in 3 out of 5 frenzys and spend a maximum of ~40 rebuys (could be higher/lower, variance is going to be big I imagine) then you make a profit of at least £33.