Villain has been doing nothing exceptional, would seem to be quite abc. Can barely remember him raising my blind , I definitely think he has a hand to raise, but of course I have to defend...
I'm happy to call flop for pot control, then obv would have got all in on turn.
What should my action be on river ? what does villain have ?PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind £0.15£0.15£29.06simonnaturBig blind £0.30£0.45£29.75 Your hole cardsQA galioFold thugster111Fold rocco15Fold canicall88Fold xxRaise £0.90£1.35£28.16simonnaturCall £0.75£2.10£29.00Flop 107A xxBet £1.05£3.15£27.11simonnaturCall £1.05£4.20£27.95Turn Q xxBet £2.10£6.30£25.01simonnaturRaise £6.30£12.60£21.65xxCall £4.20£16.80£20.81River K xxBet £8.40£25.20£12.41
i would have to call river its 8 to win 25 reasons being your hand a bit underrepped (no3bet pre) villain can be barelling rvr thinking u cant have ak aq good price your being layed and to see his hand to make note for future ref cant win if u fold
so id call expecting to be beat over 50 percent of time but pot odds laying me enough for it to be profitable long term ( unless noted as a never bluffs abc total nit then i could maybe find a fold)
Opponent's hand was KK... kind of annoying. I have difficulty finding the fold button in these spots in the heat of the moment. Thanks for replies Posted by simonnatur
ul but what you can take from that hand is the vill is willing to pay off if he hits something that can be beat there is always another hand another time when you know your winning think of it that way and it easier to fold i feel
River lead is very suspect. Cant see him just c/fing after hand has played out this way, really hard to distinguish whether is vb or blocker.
I do raise pre here, as doubtful SB gives us too much credit. Flop raise or call is fine, but not for pot control imo.
River is ugly Prob has 2hearts in hand, one pairing board, other being a J.
Just going to come down to reads whether its a call/fold.
So in answer to what he has: some paint heart combo AJh/10Jh, 10Qos, KJ, A9 /> or nowt.
Ugly though.
reasons being your hand a bit underrepped (no3bet pre)
villain can be barelling rvr thinking u cant have ak aq
good price your being layed
and to see his hand to make note for future ref
cant win if u fold
so id call expecting to be beat over 50 percent of time but pot odds laying me enough for it to be profitable long term ( unless noted as a never bluffs abc total nit then i could maybe find a fold)
tough river spot, prob sigh fold