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Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?

edited March 2012 in Poker Chat
I'd be interested to hear peoples opinions on my situation. I have a pain related illness so am unable to leave the house/bed and this has made me very short tempered and impatient lately. I think this has affected my game adversely. I have been on the longest downswing of my Sky Poker career and would confidently say it is impatients that has been the main cause. I seem to have no staying power and am always looking to rush which is never a good thing. Would the community suggest that I wait until I am in a better frame of mind and have my medication sorted out, or would you say that it could easily be a genuine downswing and that I should be trying to play my way through it? I personally can't decide and change my mind daily. Some days I think I am playing badly and other days I think its down to my mindset. Any thoughts would be welcomed.
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham


  • edited March 2012
    P.s I am the 1st to put 'Because I'm a Donk'.
  • edited March 2012
    I'd imagine it's probably a bit of all 3 - Downswings happen, but if you're getting down about it, or playing differently because of it, then that's bad.

    Also, I believe you play mainly tournaments? Swings are massive in those, all you can do is make the right moves and come out the other side of the downswing.
  • edited March 2012
    hi shawn think we pld in a £5 torny tonight, why not take a coulple of days off, iv been ply a lot l8ly and seem not to be enjoying it as much,( if ur anything like me you get a bit fed up sometimes), and iron out the leeks in ur game, regards.
  • edited March 2012
    Don't play.

    I had some medical issues a couple of years back and I just couldn't take it.

    You should focus on trying to get as well as you can and not poker.

    Don't leave the game completely tho.  Take the break but also keep reading and posting on the forums/watching the channel and also look into some coaching videos/books/poker articles.

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    Don't play. I had some medical issues a couple of years back and I just couldn't take it. You should focus on trying to get as well as you can and not poker. Don't leave the game completely tho.  Take the break but also keep reading and posting on the forums/watching the channel and also look into some coaching videos/books/poker articles.
    Posted by scotty77
    ....Hi Shaun, really v. sorry to hear that the fun has gone as i know that you are normally a diamond.
     The fact that you are seeking advice is power to your elbow and fully endorse scotty77's reply but also with one extra addition (not really the place for me to be posting this tho)....variety is the spice of life and your fun may come back by playing different varients of poker eg: omaha plo + hi lo, razz, stud etc; and mix it up with trying diff poker rooms.
    We can all get stale playing nlhe and if you wish to contact me via fb for a chat pls i can go into this in a lot more m8....Billy
  • edited March 2012
    Thanks everyone for the replies.
  • edited March 2012
    I'd say it's a combination of the top two. Downswings can lead to a vicious circle; because you're frustrated you subconciously change the way you play, which makes the downswing worse, which makes the frustation worse, etc. etc. etc

    This is much tougher on you than the rest of us because of your medical situation; if it was me I could just stop playing for a week and go off and do something else. I'd suggest dropping stakes and reducing volume until you clear you head and feel you're back to playing your best. If you haven't already read it I'd recommend 'The Mental Game of Poker', you'll find it very useful.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    I'd say it's a combination of the top two. Downswings can lead to a vicious circle; because you're frustrated you subconciously change the way you play, which makes the downswing worse, which makes the frustation worse, etc. etc. This is much tougher on you than the rest of us because of your medical situation; if it was me I could just stop playing for a week and go off and do something else. I'd suggest dropping stakes and reducing volume until you clear you head and feel you're back to playing your best. If you haven't already read it I'd recommend 'The Mental Game of Poker', you'll find it very useful.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    I'm just starting to read it. Already enjoying it and looks like it will be very helpful in the future. Thanks for the reply mate.
  • edited March 2012
    hi shaun,
    sorry to hear you are not feeling well atm.
    hope things improve for you.
    i think you are in a dificult situation.
    as you are house-bound atm and poker should be the one thing
    that should be helping you get through it.
    and quite clearly it,s not.
    my advise 4wiw,
    and as the other guys have mentioned,
    try something new.
    it has worked 4 me in the past when i was running bad,and not enjoying poker at all.
    i played some micro dym,s and never looked back.
    think about joining another site,
    something i have done very recently.
    (the one between 777 & 999)
    i deposited £20,= $30, got $18 free 4 joining,
    and am now up to $93.75 in just 2 weeks,loving it.
    anyway shaun,
    hope you manage to sort things out,
    good luck buddy.

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind? : ....Hi Shaun, really v. sorry to hear that the fun has gone as i know that you are normally a diamond.  The fact that you are seeking advice is power to your elbow and fully endorse scotty77's reply but also with one extra addition (not really the place for me to be posting this tho)....variety is the spice of life and your fun may come back by playing different varients of poker eg: omaha plo + hi lo, razz, stud etc; and mix it up with trying diff poker rooms. We can all get stale playing nlhe and if you wish to contact me via fb for a chat pls i can go into this in a lot more m8....Billy
    Posted by billyboots
    I actually tried the 'Change is as good as a rest' idea earlier. I came 204th out of 2,700 in a tournament on another site, then came back to Sky and had a go at Omaha cash where I managed to 3x my buy-in in just over 30 mins. I have played a few Omaha DYM's lately and think it is such an enjoyable game. I love the thought that goes into it and think I may start playing more of it. I will definitely start to limit my volume and have already lowered my stakes a little. Thanks once again for your reply mate and I will message you on Facebook for a chat soon. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    hi shaun, sorry to hear you are not feeling well atm. hope things improve for you. i think you are in a dificult situation. as you are house-bound atm and poker should be the one thing that should be helping you get through it. and quite clearly it,s not. my advise 4wiw, and as the other guys have mentioned, try something new. it has worked 4 me in the past when i was running bad,and not enjoying poker at all. i played some micro dym,s and never looked back. also, think about joining another site, something i have done very recently. (the one between 777 & 999) i deposited £20,= $30, got $18 free 4 joining, and am now up to $93.75 in just 2 weeks,loving it. anyway shaun, hope you manage to sort things out, good luck buddy. devon
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks for the response mate. I'm glad to hear that your sojourn onto another site is going well. I am starting to play some Micro DYM's and small sit and go's and think I will play those more than I used to. All the advice is much appreciated and I am taking it all on board. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    no worries mate,
    if you ever feel like a chat....
    you are more than welcome to send a pm to me,anytime.

    keep going,
    and see you on the other side!!!

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    no worries mate, also, if you ever feel like a chat.... Posted by devonfish5
    you are more than welcome to send a pm to me,anytime. keep going, and see you on the other side!!! :-)

    Thanks once again mate. You shouldn't have said that though as I'm likely to take you up on
  • edited March 2012
    sorry to hear it m8 - i can better understand your ck post now
    I´m guessing it is exactly now that you want to be playing, but unfortunately you won´t be at your best game either.
    So lower the stakes - keep playing - you know that´s what you want to do, but make the money irrelevant. Upswing or downswing who cares - but you are still getting the satisfaction of making the hero call, repping the A, slow playing the AA whatever is your fancy. But you don´t need to worry about the bad beats etc.
    So it doesn´t matter why you are having a downswing - just adapt your play in case it is your frame of mind.
  • edited March 2012
    Hi Shaun

    Sorry you're feeling ill. Being bad-tempered isn't going to help. Are you just a recreational player? After all its there to be enjoyed. Balance is the key, i feel. Is there something else you've fancied learning to do. A musical instrument? Watercolour painting, that sort of thing.
    I would recommend a book called The Mental Side of Poker by Jared Tendhler. it may put things into perspective so that you can see Poker as a learning experience. Why not keep a journal of your poker where you evaluate your hands the following day and see errors. This would lessen their annoyance factor as they have provided a learning point to add to your experience.
    Why don't you write a diary on here with a challenge for yourself. Your attempts to conquer pain-induced tilt may help others. It doesn't have to be massive or involve large amounts of cash. The DYM ladder challenge that Yidette9 did seems fun or try the DTD Forum on a monday...its a good laugh though playing three tables was a killer for me as i've just been playing for 9 months.

    Anyway, good luck for the future. I found when i experienced a particularly traumatic time in my life when my brother died 12 years ago that keeping a journal answering the question How Do I Feel? was a great help and very inciteful to me helping me to recognise how i was coping.

    Good luck in the future. Do what you think is best overall for you at the moment. A break may rekindle yourlove for the game and, better still, introduce something new and satisfying into your life.

    Cheers and best wishes.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    Hi Shaun Sorry you're feeling ill. Being bad-tempered isn't going to help. Are you just a recreational player? After all its there to be enjoyed. Balance is the key, i feel. Is there something else you've fancied learning to do. A musical instrument? Watercolour painting, that sort of thing. I would recommend a book called The Mental Side of Poker by Jared Tendhler. it may put things into perspective so that you can see Poker as a learning experience. Why not keep a journal of your poker where you evaluate your hands the following day and see errors. This would lessen their annoyance factor as they have provided a learning point to add to your experience. Why don't you write a diary on here with a challenge for yourself. Your attempts to conquer pain-induced tilt may help others. It doesn't have to be massive or involve large amounts of cash. The DYM ladder challenge that Yidette9 did seems fun or try the DTD Forum on a monday...its a good laugh though playing three tables was a killer for me as i've just been playing for 9 months. Anyway, good luck for the future. I found when i experienced a particularly traumatic time in my life when my brother died 12 years ago that keeping a journal answering the question How Do I Feel? was a great help and very inciteful to me helping me to recognise how i was coping. Good luck in the future. Do what you think is best overall for you at the moment. A break may rekindle yourlove for the game and, better still, introduce something new and satisfying into your life. Cheers and best wishes.
    Posted by profman15

    Thanks for the response mate. I have been considering writing a diary on here for a while. My only concern was that people would think it was an attention seeking action. I am in the process of reading 'The Mental Game of Poker' by Jared Tendler and Barry carter. It is very interesting and I think after a couple of reads it will sink Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited March 2012
    hi shaun,
    have you ever considered supporting a proper football team,
    i don,t know ;man utd or chelsea or something!!!
    i would be depressed if all i had was villa to support!!!

    ps;only joking mate.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    hi shaun, have you ever considered supporting a proper football team, i don,t know ;man utd or chelsea or something!!! i would be depressed if all i had was villa to support!!! lol :-) devon ps;only joking mate.
    Posted by devonfish5
    lol. Brought a smile to my face.
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    hi shaun, have you ever considered supporting a proper football team, i don,t know Leeds United!!! i would be depressed if all i had was villa to support!!! lol :-) devon ps;only joking mate.
    Posted by devonfish5
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind?:
    In Response to Re: Should I take a break until I'm in the right frame of mind? : FYP.
    Posted by EvilPingu
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