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Hi all
I have deleted the thread that has appeared here today accusing someone of slowrolling.
1) This is against forum rules to 'name and shame'
2) You provided no proof other than your accusation.
3) These claims were unsubstantiated.
4) It was very boring.
I have set this thread up if people want to continue a discussion on how bad slowrolling is. If anyone names the person accused in the previous thread that post will be snap deleted. And i shall be quite cross. Grrr.
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Funniest was the world team poker championships, where the player got up from the table - discussed what he should do with his AA ! Everyone laughed lolz
(Not that I disagree with the deletion, the naming and shaming was inappropriate).
I didnt know your a mod... i must be crazy.. i dont like all this karryon
ye slowrolls are bad...
the end
Slowrolls are just bad end o fstory and people who do it should be shot.
But how can you tell if it is a slowroll. In alive game it is easy to tell. But online it can be many other things. Supposed slow rolls can come from bad connections, multitabling, distractions by cat/dog/wife/tv.
Nobody likes being slowrolled and we are all very quick to pass judgement. I myself have done something similar whilst having a bad connection, so had no choice in the matter.So maybe we should save judgement for when we are possession of all the facts and not just our own irritation and biased opinion.
Greg, Fail, see me after.
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
1) The naming and shaming rule is a bit of a blind spot for a lot of forum users. Some forums allow it and other deliver insta-bans for people breaking it. It can also be applied inconsistently as the decision is by it's very nature subjective. It's completely understandable you would not know this rule and I take that point totally.
2) I disagree with your comment that the thread was not an attempt to shame the person. The thread title was '(player name) what's the point?' It was directly an accusation of slow rolling by a specific player and encouragement of other people's experiences with that player, not a start of a discussion on the matter of slow rolling as a whole. This is of course my opinion.
3) It is near impossible to provide proof of such a slowroll. This does not change the fact you had no proof.
4) You quote the other posts agreeing with you. Again they had no proof or evidence. We don't know if the player in question: Heavily cross site/single site multi tables; has a slow connection; is a slow player and double checks their hands before making a decision; is exceptionally cautious to the point of 'nit-rolling.' At no point in your post did you say they did one of the more clear indications of a slowroll, i.e. typing something in the chat box before calling. You are just linking slow call with slow roll without anything else. This is not always the case and no one else brought anything other than this or any argument against the other possible reasons I have detailed above.
5) My boredom comment. Luckily my level of interest is not a significant factor when I make a decision on post deletion. However this forum is meant to be for entertainment and for education. Your thread was pure dogma and added nothing to the forum.
6) It was far too late to ask you to edit the post. You put the player name in the thread title and this filtered into every reply, plus many of the replies had the player name in them. It was beyond editing. Previously some Mods on this forum have deleted posts without an explanation on the forum which often leads to a second thread saying 'what happened to that thread?' I have made this thread to not only allow a budding discussion on slowrolling which was in that thread to continue but to give you and everyone else an explanation as to the reason for deletion. This also gives you a right to reply and you know which Mod deleted it. When I took up the offer to become a mod I decided I would act with complete transparency and offer open communication on things like this. Should I have PMed you as well? Maybe and I will consider that for the future. However I have offered you an explanation in the public domain just as your thread was in the public domain. If you feel I have acted inappropriately please feel free to PM me or post here but let's not over run the forum with a never ending discussion. For this reason if you have detailed points to make solely for me I would rather do it in PMs but I don't mind either way.
You mention common courtesy, did you PM the player who was the subject of your thread about your intention to post it and did you allow them time to respond to you and give you their explanation? Slowrolling is, in my opinion, second only to allegations of cheating when it comes to an accusation's severity. I detest slowrollers and slowrolling. The stigma is so strong that I really believe no one should be accused of it without complete and utter proof, mud sticks and bad names are exceptionally hard to shake. Out of respect and courtesy for that player the thread had to be deleted.
Threads get deleted, people make ill judged posts. I feel your thread was ill judged but it doesn't take away from my opinion of you as a poster and as far as I am concerned the matter is dealt with with no prejudice for the future.
Your posts were very fair and I know no offense was meant and certainly none was taken. Users become Mods on forums the web over and this has been the case on every forum I have been a part of since the web first began. Which is a lot of fourms.
I am the newest Mod to the team and I'm sure I'll find out very soon if I'm any good at it. You bring up a very good point about some Mods letting power go to their head, I've seen this happen on other forums and I am very conscious of not letting that either happen to me or for the perception of that having happened to occur. I'm sure I will find out in the future if I am successful at this.
None of us want to delete threads.
I can't stand it but with a 15 second clock, it's not really possible. Seen it done on Stars a few times with a 20 second clock and using up 59 seconds of the time bank before calling and showing AA. Never suffered from it live but that might be because I'm 6'2" and probably wouldn't be high on their list of people they want to upset.
Well worthy of the title of Mod