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Inspiration from GaryQQQ a guy who i respect as a MTT god :)
No i am not going to take a £51 ballance and turn it into £1051 xD however i am gonna keep a informed track on this forum, based on his 1/40 rule on BRM, i have been playing poker for well over a year and rescently started to become a break even player on my old website, and ive made my return, however after reading GaryQQQs challenge, it gave me an idea of using his BRM, and keeping it posted as a way of making sure i stick to it, on the other site i was turning $1 into $100 in a single MTT at times, only to lose it all on $5 - $10 MTTs, so definately need to work on the BRM and as i prefer working in £s so i think sky poker is definately the place for me
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Starting ballance - £41.00
Today was the first day of my journey, i did something stupid at the start, went into a couple of £1 roulette HU won 1 and lost 1, then figured i would prefer to play a game of skill instead of chance.
Anyways, Played a £1 HU, a £1 6 man STT, and a £1 MTT
and cashed in all of them so made a nice lil profit for the day
Ending BR - £46.63
Discipline is key. At times it'll feel like the 40 buy-in rule is holding you back and you'll get tempted to jump into bigger games. You have to resist that temptation and stick to the rule. If you do it's very hard, or almost impossible, to go busto.
PS No roulette games either!
Played well today, but to no avail played a £1 double up, which i won, a £1 scary where i raised pre flop, had 4 callers, hit top pair top Kicker and had to chose between all in or fold, cant really raise to see where i am standing at that stage and was instantly called by a set.
went into a Freeroll tourney, doubled up very early, but then all the idiots kept growing in stack size with stupid calls, and thats exactly how i went out, i didnt have to make this move as i did have 60BBs left, but i felt it was nescicary, someone who had doubled up twice was now raising every single hand, everybody was folding to her, to teach her a lesson when i hit KJ and she raised me i pushed her all in, she instantly called me with K7 and sent me home hitting her flush, and finally a £1 HU, was sitting with Q 10, i raised, he called, Q 10 6 appeared, with 2 diamonds, he shoved i had to call and he rivered his flush, so not a very lucky day today, but losses kept to a minimum
Ending BR - £45.33
Day 3 - 27/03/12
Played probably what is one of the worst days ive ever played but somehow i got lucky
Not liking these Fast paced HU matches, they are costing me way too much
so after going down £4.50 approx for the day a £1 MTT started that i had already signed up for, i woke up just in time for it and played a almost perfect game my races held thankfully and ended up going out with Q9 with 3BBs left, didnt like making the move on Q9 but was time for a double up or out, and i didnt have time to wait for a killer hand, got called by AK i hit the top card and was happy till a J and 10 appeared to knock me out
Ending BR - £45.48
Played ok today, got a bit unlucky with some races through out the day, should of been able to beat the first 6 man STT, but i ended up busting out 2nd with AK v JJ
the Double thru that i played was a standard loss, AA v KK, i just happened to get KK at same time as chip leader got AA
just really not a fan of heads up anymore
and The Final tourney that i played i did cash but should of gone on to win it, was 1st with 12 people to go and called an all in by the short stacker with KJ v 10 10 i was unlucky not to get anything from it, but then the very next hand im given AA
Today i havent played much poker, was reading up on a poker book and its really helped my game i feel, im starting to look at the table alot more differently then i usually do, instead of just focusing on fish and swimming with them, im waiting for the opportionity to attack them, and so far its seemed to pay off, i can feel a definate improvement in my game
Today only had chance to play at 2 games, but i Doubled my £1 and then went on to finish second in a 6 man STT
went into the HU stage as a huge favourate only to dwindle all my chips away, so i can clearly see where my game needs work, even more reason why i have decided to stop playing HU poker for now and focus on MTTs and 6 man STTs. just unfortunate i missed my chance to play in the free roll
End BR £44.78
Today i was finally happy with my results, my game has definately made a vast improvement and i definately need work on my HU play, played very few game sessions, but cashed in most of the ones i did play in
End BR £49.38
Wont be playing any games tonight as im with the gf, so just gonna post my stats from earlier in the day / last night
Entered a Freebie and was doing exceptional till i lost a few big hands, but finally got knocked out AQ v A6 with 10 BBs i can understand the personal call, and wasnt annoyed to be knocked out, so only managed to make 35p profit for coming 23rd, won some double thrus and a 6 Man STT
End BR - £51.43
Thats finally 10% increase in my BR in my first week, very happy with my latest results
That's actually a 25% increase in you BR, and it's an excellent start, very well played!
(£51.43 - £41.00 = £10.43 increase, £10.43/£41.00 x 100% = 25.44% increase)
Ps sent you a pm.
anyways that hand left me seriously annoyed so decided to give poker a miss for the rest of the night.
Day 9 - 03/04/12
Today i returned to the tables, i started off on a £1 6 man STT scary, i binked it, and then i noticed that my friends were still going on about the hand i got away from, so i started defending my honor as a player again, (they claimed he outplayed me with a 7 2) and so took another break from the tables
Ending BR - £54.83
Solid start now turning into a huge downswing, im down to £44 again
wish people could let go of mid pair, wish they also wouldnt outdraw me by getting a 3 of a kind on the river, my flopped flush cracked by a 2 pair hitting its full house again on the river, my A J getting demolished by 9 10 because the person cant let go of this pre, flop became 9 10 J, a few bad decisions which is my fault for wanting to see what he was going all in with, my KQ ran into JJ oh well, dunno why he was going all in anyways, he had well over 30 BBs
anyways, im not sure if im playing differently because of getting annoyed the other day, or what but my down swing has started, and i just hope i can get it back up
End BR - £44.48
i get given AK, in a Double Thru, and yet again 1 caller A 5s
why the hell are people playing these hands, dont they realise they will lose a lot of money calling all ins against a very tight player, nope not here cus as usual he hits his flush, so again what would and should of been profit turned into another loss for the day
agree with dudeskin you really need to take these beats without it effecting your play and is a part of the game as you will win that hand a lot more than you will lose it making it the right decision in the long run.
Are you playing mtt's and cash as well or are you just playing dym's?
and was doing really well till about 2 days ago, then its been bad beat after bad beat, im not going to adjust my game, because the maths tells me its the right call, but it is getting really crazy, 5 times in the last 6 i have gone in ahead and they get there lucky flush and what not, i guess i just hate the low stacks, and i wont do cash, cus yes thats where im gonna get a lot of money from, but at the same time, with the ammount of bad beats you get, you really need a solid BR to play cash games.