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this is getting beyond a joke now played hand perfect and guy hit a 4 outter joke
i know u should only conecentrate on what u do but to call a 4 bet with 2 -3 is funny and bet good bet sizing all way thru had tptk and nut flush draw and get sucked out this hand is unreal having few days of poker now IDONKCALLUSmall blind £0.20£0.20£38.87rosidaBig blind £0.40£0.60£44.08 Your hole cardsAK paddy1988Raise £0.80£1.40£43.00Die_hardCall £0.80£2.20£96.75IDONKCALLURaise £2.40£4.60£36.47rosidaFold paddy1988Call £1.80£6.40£41.20Die_hardCall £1.80£8.20£94.95Flop 2K9 IDONKCALLUBet £4.40£12.60£32.07paddy1988Fold Die_hardCall £4.40£17.00£90.55Turn 10 IDONKCALLUBet £8.80£25.80£23.27Die_hardCall £8.80£34.60£81.75River 3 IDONKCALLUCheck Die_hardBet £34.60£69.20£47.15IDONKCALLUAll-in £23.27£92.47£0.00Die_hardUnmatched bet £11.33£81.14£58.48IDONKCALLUShowAK Die_hardShow23 Die_hardWinTwo Pairs, 3s and 2s£79.34 £137.82
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Just UL. This is why I always lose thousands every week, remember. I just click buttons.
I don't know why you didn't reload and take my fishy money though as you 'outplay me all the time' (as does everyone else who tells me).
As I've said a few times here, my apologies for not playing how people think I 'should' play. Just take my monies, simples.
On a serious note, yeah it was pretty spewy, even by my standards. Plus if I'd have seen you had two hearts I wouldn't have called the turn. Turned out I was only getting the money with a 5-outer.
Oh, and I was trying to get Paddy's money FWIW preflop, I just got a bit carried away after that....
Don't worry about it mate, have a break, come back refreshed and keep doing the thang you do (says me who does enough ranting of my own).
(Edit: I prob woulda said something myself the other way round too, though we all know it solves nothing.)
This hand is a bit mehhh but not sure i'd call the river unless you have notes saying Die_hard would do this with a busted flush or straight draw.
bet flop and turn slightly bigger to make it easier to valueshove the river EDIT:nevermind, misread pot size
bet river, too many hands you beat check behind. Not many bluffs in his range usually
Cos I expect that if this happened at 4NL and you'd just lost this pot and lost £4, you wouldn't be talking about leaving Sky Poker. Also do you intend to go to a different website where this doesn't happen? lol
It really depends what you want from the game, if you want a bit of fun and a gamble, then you can do what ya want. But if you want to win long term, you know that you have stick to it or you will go busto and continually be deposting.
the fact that the flop is K9x and not KTx means that its almost impossible for villain to have AJ,AQ that turn a fd and peel twice. when people call twice on this board it means they ahve showdown value, and i think that all worse hands will just check back and better hands shove