Time: 2.35pm today. Weight; 6lbs 10 ounces. Make/Model - Bloke Handle - Harry Lewis Orford Mother Mel is doing fine, Father is slightly deranged. From myself, & all @ Ch 865, & Sky Poker, well done Rich! xx Posted by Tikay10
Such nice messages- thank you one and all + thanks to Tikay for starting the thread.
And yes, thanks for all the ribbing too. I expect no less from you guys. ;-)
Although baby Harry arrived just 25 minutes after we entered the hospital (waters breaking in the cab, comedy dash through the wards on a wheelchair etc etc,) at 2.35pm yesterday afternoon, we've only just got home today because he had to be kept back and monitored to make sure he was feeding properly before being discharged.
So, had to miss a Sky Poker show for the first time ever since the channel started in Feb 2007. I think my excuse just about holds though. :-) Also, great job by Reds in covering. Almost too good... that's definitely the last time I father a baby!!!
And yes, I can officially confirm that, at the age of 32 hours, Harry Orford is already a better poker player than me. No real surprises there though.
Congrats mate. Lets hope he does better at poker when his 18 xD