lets get ready to rumble perhaps sky could test it out in private team games i hope i can adjust to antes only played them on stars and not many at that Posted by stokefc
They have a testing regime, Stokey, & Antes will be subjected to that.
They (Antes) will NOT apply to every Tourney, either. No need to worry on that score.
1) Aggression does not equate to skill or intelligence. To whoever wrote that they'd "want someone that thinks antes are bad for tournament structure" to be sat on their left, I would simply say that there's nothing I like more in a tournament than having some aggressive idiot sat on my right. You can't be more aggressive than me, since I will happily 5-bet light in the right circumstances, you can only be more reckless than me. The skill is not in being aggressive, it's in picking your spot. If you're thinking that antes will make you more profitable simply because you're aggressive, then you're wrong.
2)The idea that people who sit and wait for big hands in tournaments are not skilful players is foolish if those players are getting results. It's simply indisputable that if those players who are playing fewer hands than you are getting better results than you, they are better than you. Poker isn't about how well you play a JT or how well you bluff particular spots, it's all about financial reward. If sitting and waiting for premium hands is profitable but you're not doing it, then you're making a mistake. I would have little doubt that those players who are wisely waiting for hands, as tournaments play at the moment, will soon show you a move or two if the structure of those tournaments changed.
It simply makes me laugh that people can think that players who make a profit at poker can somehow be described as less skilful because they're not playing a super-loose style. Only a small proportion of poker players make money. All those that do are skilful and if they've convinced you that they're not, they're doing an even better job. If all it took to make profit from this game was to sit and wait for big hands, then everyone would do it and if these players are in fact not making a profit, what are you complaining about?
I'm pretty sure antes are at the end of a very long line of tweaks and improvements. It's already been said they'd be useful in maybe <5% of Sky Poker tournaments. Posted by Machka
It's already been stated elsewhere that 84.688744% of facts are made up, similarly 45% of made up facts are withing 35% of being accurate.
In Response to Re: "ANTES UP" all this talk : did you make that statistic up? Posted by hurst05
It's 100%* accurate.
* I made that up.
based on well known Sky Poker representitive's previous estimate. Quote: I think antes are great, & serve a particular purpose in Tourneys where the structure supports them.
However, there are very few Tourneys on Sky Poker where there would be a credible logic for having them - I would estimate that less than 1% (1 in 100) are suitable for Antes.
with all the talk about antes coming into skypoker just wanted to get a feel of who is looking forward to this personaly i am not looking forward to this at all. my reason for this is purely because it forces action and put more of a gamble into the game in the later stages this is bad enough on 10 seat tables never mind 6 seated. i dont think it will speed up the tourney that much but i maybe wrong on that. overall i think it may take away a bit of value of the tournies. when rake is at 15% on some games i dont think it will be worth it. what are your views please point out the benifits i am missing. thanks james Posted by rosjim1
could be big uproar if they dont work out tables properly. in last nights primo there was saveral good even stacks on other big stacks aganist small stacks VERY UNFAIR
In Response to "ANTES UP" all this talk : could be big uproar if they dont work out tables properly. in last nights primo there was saveral good even stacks on other big stacks aganist small stacks VERY UNFAIR Posted by EBBERDON
table draw/seat selection is random. Sky does not choose who goes where!!!
In Response to "ANTES UP" all this talk : could be big uproar if they dont work out tables properly. in last nights primo there was saveral good even stacks on other big stacks aganist small stacks VERY UNFAIR Posted by EBBERDON[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry Ebbers, but that is completely FAIR, not unfair. Its how poker works, everywhere.
You should embrace big stacks - they possess more chips for you to win. Small stacks are much less useful to you.
It's like the weather, sometimes favourable, sometimes not so.
It's the same for everyone, we get drawn on big stack tables & small stack tables. Cake & eat it.
Are you suggesting that the table balancing should NOT be random? That would cause some hoohah!
I have to say two things: 1) Aggression does not equate to skill or intelligence. To whoever wrote that they'd "want someone that thinks antes are bad for tournament structure" to be sat on their left, I would simply say that there's nothing I like more in a tournament than having some aggressive idiot sat on my right. You can't be more aggressive than me, since I will happily 5-bet light in the right circumstances, you can only be more reckless than me. The skill is not in being aggressive, it's in picking your spot. If you're thinking that antes will make you more profitable simply because you're aggressive, then you're wrong. 2)The idea that people who sit and wait for big hands in tournaments are not skilful players is foolish if those players are getting results. It's simply indisputable that if those players who are playing fewer hands than you are getting better results than you, they are better than you. Poker isn't about how well you play a JT or how well you bluff particular spots, it's all about financial reward. If sitting and waiting for premium hands is profitable but you're not doing it, then you're making a mistake. I would have little doubt that those players who are wisely waiting for hands, as tournaments play at the moment, will soon show you a move or two if the structure of those tournaments changed. It simply makes me laugh that people can think that players who make a profit at poker can somehow be described as less skilful because they're not playing a super-loose style. Only a small proportion of poker players make money. All those that do are skilful and if they've convinced you that they're not, they're doing an even better job. If all it took to make profit from this game was to sit and wait for big hands, then everyone would do it and if these players are in fact not making a profit, what are you complaining about? Posted by BorinLoner
Great post BorinLoner
Personally I look forward to antes and expect it to improve my results if anything, but..... I find it a little insulting for people to suggest that in some way players are doing something wrong by adopting a style of play that makes them more profitable?
I'm sure that alot of the same players will have the ability to adapt to the introduction of antes and will change their game accordingly (if necessary) in order to remain profitable.
Antes prob will increase the skill level as there should be more marginal decisions and better players should be better at making them
But lol at wanting antes cos some players only play QQ+, like its really hard adjust to that fiendishly cunning strategy (or copy it if its so great). Do you want them to change it and make our life harder?
Also lol at wanting antes cos people let themselves go below 5BB, again thats really bad for us
As borin alluded to the players with good results are
(a) prob not playing as tight as you think and have some moves (b) prob capable of adjusting to whatever changes in structure happen
I play far more mtts each week with antes than without. The big difference is the relative starting stacks. On Sky the majority of mtts have a 2000 chips starting stack. PS generally has a starting stack of 3000 or 5000. Even the turbo mtts have a starting stack of 3000.
Let's take 2 mtts - the Open on Sky and a 6 seater equal buy-in mtt on PS and consider the relative starting stacks and antes on PS.
If both players play no hands in either tournament then it would be level 11 before the PS player was reduced by the 1000 chips difference in starting stacks. Standard blind levels are every 12 minutes on Sky and 15 minutes on PS. So it takes two and half hours to lose the additional 1000 chips to the antes.
Even turbo mtts on PS would be at level 13, or one hour and 5 minutes before the 1000 chip difference was levelled.
I'm all for antes but the standard structure must be right. It's a bit rediculous to be wanting antes when the Sky Open is already a faster action tournament than the majority of turbo's on PS.
im guessing they will only put antes on the bigger structured tourneys with bigger blinds and larger starting stacks,they will probably introduce tourneys to suit antes
im guessing they will only put antes on the bigger structured tourneys with bigger blinds and larger starting stacks,they will probably introduce tourneys to suit antes Posted by stokefc
I think Tikay has made that clear in previous posts. Some people want then in everything it seems.
I play far more mtts each week with antes than without. The big difference is the relative starting stacks. On Sky the majority of mtts have a 2000 chips starting stack. PS generally has a starting stack of 3000 or 5000. Even the turbo mtts have a starting stack of 3000. Let's take 2 mtts - the Open on Sky and a 6 seater equal buy-in mtt on PS and consider the relative starting stacks and antes on PS. If both players play no hands in either tournament then it would be level 11 before the PS player was reduced by the 1000 chips difference in starting stacks. Standard blind levels are every 12 minutes on Sky and 15 minutes on PS. So the PS player can play no hands for two and a half hours to reduce to the Sky starting stack. Even turbo mtts on PS would be at level 13, or one hour and 5 minutes before the 1000 chip difference was levelled. I'm all for antes but the standard structure must be right. It's a bit rediculous to be wanting antes when the Sky Open is already a faster action tournament than the majority of turbo's on PS. Posted by elsadog
An intresting debate regarding antes but just think of how much bigger the intial pot is compared to playing without antes and how this affects dynamics and also raise sizes etc...
It would seem to me antes realy make no differance until you get to the bubble and the more aggressive stages of the tournament where you need to start moving your chips around and essentially be more aggressive. Currently the bubble stage takes for ever to burst, and even then it still takes a while to whittle down to a FT. So it basically means players can sit around and wait for bigger hands because they just have more time.
It is stated that therefore being more aggressive with an ante structure is better and will reward, rarther than just sitting waiting for QQ+.- because your not just waiting for a hand to double up, there becomes a nice pot in the middle to win to start with - which will affect your ranges and the dynamic on the table will change. Like someone coming along and wacking some money in the middle in a cash game, kinda.
I agree with antes only being used for a very small majority of MTT, probably £100+ buy in.
The majority of us will not be affected anyway, so pffffffffffffffffft unless SKY change the structure of all MTT's.
In Response to Re: "ANTES UP" all this talk : I think Tikay has made that clear in previous posts. Some people want then in everything it seems. Posted by elsadog
dont be silly elsa,i read them posts yesterday,i can,t remember all that
I actually do not mind antes (non moan post?...WTF?) as it is horses for courses. There should always be a 'choice' though for customers IMHO. From a personnel POV, the bigger buy in games (rollers ect) will benefit from them more than say a £1 deepstack.
The one essential 'fix' that would need to be done if antes do come in is the old moving of players in MTT's from the BUTTON into the blinds. This has been brought up by myself and others (including Eyeman a 1000 times!) but it is essential that it is corrected in the forthcoming up-grades.
They (Antes) will NOT apply to every Tourney, either. No need to worry on that score.
1) Aggression does not equate to skill or intelligence. To whoever wrote that they'd "want someone that thinks antes are bad for tournament structure" to be sat on their left, I would simply say that there's nothing I like more in a tournament than having some aggressive idiot sat on my right. You can't be more aggressive than me, since I will happily 5-bet light in the right circumstances, you can only be more reckless than me. The skill is not in being aggressive, it's in picking your spot. If you're thinking that antes will make you more profitable simply because you're aggressive, then you're wrong.
2)The idea that people who sit and wait for big hands in tournaments are not skilful players is foolish if those players are getting results. It's simply indisputable that if those players who are playing fewer hands than you are getting better results than you, they are better than you. Poker isn't about how well you play a JT or how well you bluff particular spots, it's all about financial reward. If sitting and waiting for premium hands is profitable but you're not doing it, then you're making a mistake. I would have little doubt that those players who are wisely waiting for hands, as tournaments play at the moment, will soon show you a move or two if the structure of those tournaments changed.
It simply makes me laugh that people can think that players who make a profit at poker can somehow be described as less skilful because they're not playing a super-loose style. Only a small proportion of poker players make money. All those that do are skilful and if they've convinced you that they're not, they're doing an even better job. If all it took to make profit from this game was to sit and wait for big hands, then everyone would do it and if these players are in fact not making a profit, what are you complaining about?
Once you get past the unknown you'll wonder how you ever played without them.
Will likely improve many ppls overall MTT strategy IMO.
* I made that up.
based on well known Sky Poker representitive's previous estimate.
I think antes are great, & serve a particular purpose in Tourneys where the structure supports them.
However, there are very few Tourneys on Sky Poker where there would be a credible logic for having them - I would estimate that less than 1% (1 in 100) are suitable for Antes.
in last nights primo there was saveral good even stacks on other big stacks aganist small stacks
Personally I look forward to antes and expect it to improve my results if anything, but..... I find it a little insulting for people to suggest that in some way players are doing something wrong by adopting a style of play that makes them more profitable?
I'm sure that alot of the same players will have the ability to adapt to the introduction of antes and will change their game accordingly (if necessary) in order to remain profitable.
But lol at wanting antes cos some players only play QQ+, like its really hard adjust to that fiendishly cunning strategy (or copy it if its so great). Do you want them to change it and make our life harder?
Also lol at wanting antes cos people let themselves go below 5BB, again thats really bad for us
As borin alluded to the players with good results are
(a) prob not playing as tight as you think and have some moves
(b) prob capable of adjusting to whatever changes in structure happen
Let's take 2 mtts - the Open on Sky and a 6 seater equal buy-in mtt on PS and consider the relative starting stacks and antes on PS.
If both players play no hands in either tournament then it would be level 11 before the PS player was reduced by the 1000 chips difference in starting stacks. Standard blind levels are every 12 minutes on Sky and 15 minutes on PS. So it takes two and half hours to lose the additional 1000 chips to the antes.
Even turbo mtts on PS would be at level 13, or one hour and 5 minutes before the 1000 chip difference was levelled.
I'm all for antes but the standard structure must be right. It's a bit rediculous to be wanting antes when the Sky Open is already a faster action tournament than the majority of turbo's on PS.
Good Post by Elsa.
When Antes arrive, the structures for those Tourneys with Antes will be adjusted as appropriate.
Structures in Tourneys without antes will continue to be reviewed as necessary.
An intresting debate regarding antes but just think of how much bigger the intial pot is compared to playing without antes and how this affects dynamics and also raise sizes etc...
It would seem to me antes realy make no differance until you get to the bubble and the more aggressive stages of the tournament where you need to start moving your chips around and essentially be more aggressive.
Currently the bubble stage takes for ever to burst, and even then it still takes a while to whittle down to a FT.
So it basically means players can sit around and wait for bigger hands because they just have more time.
It is stated that therefore being more aggressive with an ante structure is better and will reward, rarther than just sitting waiting for QQ+.- because your not just waiting for a hand to double up, there becomes a nice pot in the middle to win to start with - which will affect your ranges and the dynamic on the table will change.
Like someone coming along and wacking some money in the middle in a cash game, kinda.
I agree with antes only being used for a very small majority of MTT, probably £100+ buy in.
The majority of us will not be affected anyway, so pffffffffffffffffft unless SKY change the structure of all MTT's.
happy hunting