Cash table last night, £20, blinds 25/50p, sat there for about 25 hands folding and watching all the action (which was crazy)
The 26th or 27th hand?? Got dealt, AQ suited, guy raised to £3, i called and so did the other 10 players which i wasnt happy about :S
Flop come 2d 3d 7s, Guy to act first bet a £5 which everyone called up to the pre flop raiser who raised £15!
I had about £15.25p left so went all in! 2 folded and the rest called!! So was looking at the pot thinking if a diamond comes here im on for about £150......BOOM diamon on the turn haha HAPPY DAYS!!!
Theres my Easter weekend paid for

Anyway Happy as larry called last 3 hands and im off (which people wasnt happy about but who cares) Won another £40 with AJ and on the final hand got pocket 8's, board come K78K2, full house, but unfortunatly the only person playing me was my mate so took £15 quid off him but give it him back outside, cant rob a mate can ya lol
So left £180 up which i know isnt massive money but after the beats ive been getting its cheered me up! BRING ON THE EASTER BEER MADNESS