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50nl...facing donk river bet
Obviously villain is a very very good player so left the name in because hopefully they dont mind but also think it is important to this decision.
we have been sat together across 4-5 tables for about 5-10 minutes and he has 3 bet me a lot. we have played 2 hands of note. the first hand i open from middle position with JJ and he 3bets from the bb. i flat the 3 bet and flop is AJ5. he fires all three barrels and i call down in position (he shoves river) and he shows 66 repping a flush on the river. the second hand i have 10 10 and open in middle position, he 3bets from the bb. he cbets an 8 high flop and i flat again. turn is a 10 and he checks to me. i bet turn and shove river and he calls both showing A8 suited.
then this hand happens.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancenustrdinSit out CoxyLboroSmall blind £0.25£0.25£65.70britrockBig blind £0.50£0.75£68.48 Your hole cardsKK huuuuumeRaise £1.50£2.25£71.16hurst05Fold 50_50callFold CoxyLboroCall £1.25£3.50£64.45britrockCall £1.00£4.50£67.48Flop 397 CoxyLboroCheck britrockCheck huuuuumeBet £3.00£7.50£68.16CoxyLboroCall £3.00£10.50£61.45britrockFold Turn 2 CoxyLboroCheck huuuuumeBet £6.00£16.50£62.16CoxyLboroCall £6.00£22.50£55.45River 10 CoxyLboroBet £17.00£39.50£38.45
what do you do here?
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don't think there's any value in raising this spot often enough
I think the question is: Does CoxyLBoro really float out of position on the flop, float out of position on the turn, then lead out to rep the flush on the river? I don't think he does. I actually don't think that he keeps check-calling on a flush draw either. It looks to me that he's trying to rep that line and hoping you'll put him on either the nuts or a bluff. i.e. He's polarising his range. He probably has you squarely on an overpair and wants more value than he might get by check-calling or check-raising.
If I was to stick my neck out I'd say something like: "If he doesn't have a set here, I'll eat my own arm!"... but I don't stick my neck out very often, so I'm not saying that.
Cue derision from my peers.