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CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
I hoped you warmed up before typing that Anna. Can't be doing with another back injury :p

For me Easter weekend will be full of sport, mainly watching the Masters golf.

Early MTT strategy. Tight is right imo.


  • edited April 2012
    Hi all,

    I am so very glad to be in tonight, stepping away from my camera which has given me a bump on my forehead (which has led to me inventing a sponge bandana, which i now wear to shoot...of course it looks cool.... might even pop down dragon's den with it)I am also glad to step away from neurotic 20 somethings.  

    I have Mr Spittles all to myself tonight, which selfishly I like, as it feels like a get a private tutor for the evening, and get to learn loads...  Hopefully he has bought me an easter egg :)

    We are live at 7pm kicking off the Easter weekend, what have you got planned??  Hopefully some time off to enjoy some poker including our Easter Sunday 25k Super Roller? 

    7pm Tonight on SkyPoker
    8pm Poker Clinic  - pleas get your hand ids in early for this.
    9pm Sky Poker School- Early Tournament strategy in MTTs
    10pm Top of the Pots
    11pm Sky Poker Highlights from the 12k BH

    So, we are asking you what you're getting up to this Easter weekend, and also what your advice is for early tournament strategy in MTTs.

    We are giving away a seat into next weeks 12k Bounty Hunter by playing odd one out! (don't forget to email your answers)

    ways to get in involved in the show tonight:

    twitter: #skypokertv  @sky_poker

    See you later :)

    A xx

    ps thanks to Lisa for a picture that brightened my morning on fb!! You know what I mean Sam xx

    Hope you are all well
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    I hoped you warmed up before typing that Anna. Can't be doing with another back injury :p For me Easter weekend will be full of sport, mainly watching the Masters golf. Early MTT strategy. Tight is right imo.
    Posted by splashies
    lol :)  the dangers of typing....
  • edited April 2012
    Looking forward to another great show with Ryan and Anna, and I do believe I'll be speaking to you later on (just gotta make sure I aint been knocked out of the ME by that point!). Have to see if I can get entry into next weeks BH too :p

    MTT Strategy

    Play very solid ABC poker, stick to strong starting hands and try to make sure you're playing in position as much as possible. Find out as quickly as possibly which opponents are weak that you can push about and which ones will put up a bit more of a fight. Insta-fold to 3bets pre-flop early on unless you have a VERY strong hand
  • edited April 2012

    Hi Anna & Subordinate

      The Easter Chick is back,  watch out for that Ryan the Cockerel crowing that he can do your job. Wouldn't wear the dress tho, well at least in public in front of the cameras that is.!!    Have a great Show and remember Easter Eggs go straight to the Hips.  Hugs Annie xxx
  • edited April 2012
    here`s an Easter story for you, a few years back my mum brought a load of Easter eggs for myself and brothers and hid them away in the airing cupboard, well she forgot she put the eggs in and put the heating on to dry the newly wash clothes, her face was a treat next day when she opened the cupboard to fined all the chocolate had melted all over her wash clothes.

    good to have you back ( no pun intented ? ) Anna, looking forward to the show
  • edited April 2012
    Great to see you back Anna and I'll be watching tonight. I won't be playing though as the download client is unreliable at the moment and I don't want to waste £33. Hope you guys have a great show and I'm sure I'll be emailing in as per usual. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012

    Looking forward to a great show and hoping for a lot of luck as i enter my first ever sky sports bounty hunter tonight.

    As a new player (not only to sky) but to poker in general i was wondering if Ryan could give me 1 tip to improve my game.

    I have watched almost every show over the last year or so and have taken in alot of what i have seen and heard ( i hope lol ) and already feel pretty comfortable at the tables but obviously i still have a great deal to learn.

    I have played a few hands v Ryan in my first week on the site and have already worked out that him having position on me at a table isnt good for my pocket but i was thinking that maybe because he had played me he might have noticed leaks in my game and although i wouldnt really expect him to be giving up his edges to someone he will be playing against in future i thought there might be a chance of him telling me 1 flaw in my game just for good poker karma :)

    1 leak i have noticed i have been doing is calling reraises out of position v good players then either having to give up on the flop or waste more cash by calling flop and having to give up on the turn when they fire that next bullet which almost always comes from a good player.
    Infact i think the only time doing this has ever worked out in my favour was in a hand last night v Ryan himself when i raised him from the small blind then called his big blind reraise with my AA and hit a A high flop v Ryans A9 and in all honesty the reason for my flat call was because i remember Ryans tip about balancing ranges and i thought that if i reraised him again there i might aswell turn my cards face up :)

    Any other pointers would be very welcome.

    Have a good show.

    TYIA Daz

  • edited April 2012
    hi anna and ryan have a great show  a nice run in last nites main event ryan thought u was going to win it a 1 point my question is not poker related its why u dnt have sky poker on sky sports from 10pm now i liek watching your show in full view without the blut tikker going across the bottom of the screen lol 
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    Hi.  Looking forward to a great show and hoping for a lot of luck as i enter my first ever sky sports bounty hunter tonight. As a new player (not only to sky) but to poker in general i was wondering if Ryan could give me 1 tip to improve my game. I have watched almost every show over the last year or so and have taken in alot of what i have seen and heard ( i hope lol ) and already feel pretty comfortable at the tables but obviously i still have a great deal to learn. I have played a few hands v Ryan in my first week on the site and have already worked out that him having position on me at a table isnt good for my pocket but i was thinking that maybe because he had played me he might have noticed leaks in my game and although i wouldnt really expect him to be giving up his edges to someone he will be playing against in future i thought there might be a chance of him telling me 1 flaw in my game just for good poker karma :) 1 leak i have noticed i have been doing is calling reraises out of position v good players then either having to give up on the flop or waste more cash by calling flop and having to give up on the turn when they fire that next bullet which almost always comes from a good player. Infact i think the only time doing this has ever worked out in my favour was in a hand last night v Ryan himself when i raised him from the small blind then called his big blind reraise with my AA and hit a A high flop v Ryans A9 and in all honesty the reason for my flat call was because i remember Ryans tip about balancing ranges and i thought that if i reraised him again there i might aswell turn my cards face up :) Any other pointers would be very welcome. Have a good show. TYIA Daz
    Posted by _ARAZI_

    Good luck in your first go!
  • edited April 2012
    new player on sky was my hand a good fold on game 501786711 cheers
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread***** : Good luck in your first go!
    Posted by Sky_Poker

    TYVM fingers crossed lol
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    Hi.  Looking forward to a great show and hoping for a lot of luck as i enter my first ever sky sports bounty hunter tonight. As a new player (not only to sky) but to poker in general i was wondering if Ryan could give me 1 tip to improve my game. I have watched almost every show over the last year or so and have taken in alot of what i have seen and heard ( i hope lol ) and already feel pretty comfortable at the tables but obviously i still have a great deal to learn. I have played a few hands v Ryan in my first week on the site and have already worked out that him having position on me at a table isnt good for my pocket but i was thinking that maybe because he had played me he might have noticed leaks in my game and although i wouldnt really expect him to be giving up his edges to someone he will be playing against in future i thought there might be a chance of him telling me 1 flaw in my game just for good poker karma :) 1 leak i have noticed i have been doing is calling reraises out of position v good players then either having to give up on the flop or waste more cash by calling flop and having to give up on the turn when they fire that next bullet which almost always comes from a good player. Infact i think the only time doing this has ever worked out in my favour was in a hand last night v Ryan himself when i raised him from the small blind then called his big blind reraise with my AA and hit a A high flop v Ryans A9 and in all honesty the reason for my flat call was because i remember Ryans tip about balancing ranges and i thought that if i reraised him again there i might aswell turn my cards face up :) Any other pointers would be very welcome. Have a good show. TYIA Daz
    Posted by _ARAZI_
    Good luck :)
  • edited April 2012
    Hand request for Ryan.


    Should i be reraising pre in this spot when i have position or is it ok to play it the way i did, btw my oppo in this pot i have played alot of times in my first week on here and he seems as if he def knows what he is doing but also seems good enough to fold hands hence my bet on the turn which i wouldnt have made v some players.


  • edited April 2012
    So..... No egg from Ryan :(

    Keep your posts/questions coming..

    What you up to over Easter?
    What do you know about tourno strategy at the start of mtt?
    Hand ids also for tv tables get them in...

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread***** : Good luck :)
    Posted by MissFowler

    TYVM aswell Anna :)
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Anna can you let RY RY know that his analysis of the hand where the guy re-raised with the pocket Jacks was really good,i would never have had the same thought process that Ry Ry had there.

    That is no doubt what makes Ry Ry a winning player and me a losing player.
  • edited April 2012
    Here's a mastercash hand for you guys (5p/10p)

    Just felt his flat on the flop and turn looked like he was drawing to something. He could be jamming the river with a busted draw but I can't make an Ace high hero call. Be interested to see what he had. He told me afterwards he flopped the nut straight, but if so, dya think that's a pretty shocking call from him pre especially with players still to act behind?


  • edited April 2012
    Can you analyse this hand, not sure if it was on a mastercash table



    ps scottys a fish <3
  • edited April 2012
    Hand from the bounty hunter tonight. Talk about the worst possible river card






  • edited April 2012
    hand from tonite m/e, what can i say except clad i`v already been to loo

    501881121 << hand id

  • edited April 2012

    hi i have a question please 

    i am new to sky poker but have been watching the show for a while and i keep hearing every1 say not to limp in and to raise if you want to play a hand ...can i ask why as 

    if dont have a hand and are looking to hit surly we want to see a flop as cheep as posible and not go raising with 6 7 to try and hit 

    if we raise then get reraised you should fold which means we end up losing more than just flat calling as to raise if someone is sat behind with a big hand they would pump it up more as they will think you are strong 

    thanks and great shows
  • edited April 2012

    also would like to play in the odd one out comp but cannot email is it ok to post it on here please

    also how many pics are there please as ive only seem kevin spacey and ben affleck and dont know if i missed any1
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    also would like to play in the odd one out comp but cannot email is it ok to post it on here please also how many pics are there please as ive only seem kevin spacey and ben affleck and dont know if i missed any1
    Posted by chris_84
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your posts, we have only shown 2 so far.  Stay tuned to the show to see the remaining two celebrities, but unfortunately you DO have to email to enter the competition.

    The Sky Poker TV Team
  • edited April 2012

     ok thank you  will have to try and get my email working then
  • edited April 2012
    Thought I'd repost this just because it looked so messy before. ME event hand from tonight, horrible river for me!


  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Hi guys.

    Just to let you know i got 25th in my first bounty hunter and really enjoyed playing it.

    Mixture of good and bad luck throughout but i suppose thats the way it goes.

  • edited April 2012
    Evening you lovely people

    Question for Ryan, how many points is he on this month and how many points does he think he can make?  Is he starting to dream about poker yet?  Sadly I am.
  • edited April 2012
    All these Vegas promotions are just a massive rubdown for under 21's like me... Sigh.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: CH865 7pm Live Show with Anna Fowler and Ryan Spittles ****official show thread*****:
    Hi guys. Just to let you know i got 25th in my first bounty hunter and really enjoyed playing it. Mixture of good and bad luck throughout but i suppose thats the way it goes. Daz.
    Posted by _ARAZI_
    Wp sir :)
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