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site full of really rude players



  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
     I dont mind people that sink to being rude, to me it shows me they are not concentrating on the game also shows a lack of control and intellect which hopefully gives me a better chance of taking their chips!  I must admit the brits tend to be the worst on any site for this, but also brits also tend to be the friendliest on most sites also
    Posted by Donut64
    Too many also's ya big donut!
  • edited April 2012
    you're all iriots.

    oh wait, this is what the threads about rofl

    don't mind me

  • edited April 2012
    I think we should all take time out to realise that we were invaded by the French people several times in our history.------ Is it really surprising that some of us are a bit rude?   Those Danes have a naughty side too you know!---- And I heard about a very rude Roman!---- Give yourselves a break you rude people, it's probably a genetic anomaly.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Suck out miricles are part of the game and people not being happy about them when they happen is part of the game too. You have to accept it or leave the table or turn the chat off. It's no different on any other site, as I've played on most.
    Just be happy you got the money when you shouldn't have and turn the chat off
  • edited April 2012

    Hoew nany times can you tell a guy the same thing?? 

    Stayu.... or go thern comebacjk.. then leasve again ...Fact ids noehwere id friendlierf than here!!

    GL but hoinestyly yaaawnnn noew

    /thread befoer I hang myselkf

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    Seriodsly!! Hoew nany times can you tell a guy the same thing??  Stayu.... or go thern comebacjk.. then leasve again ...Fact ids noehwere id friendlierf than here!! GL but hoinestyly yaaawnnn noew /thread befoer I hang myselkf xx
    Posted by TRIP5[/QUOTE

    Are you drunk or suffering from serious keyboard malfunction! ;)

  • edited April 2012
    Irene drunken posting is bad mmmkay
  • edited April 2012
    Not sure if this has already been said as I haven't read all the replies but in my experience the players who are constantly rude in the chat box seem to be the worst players so generally you can make money from them. However you said you player poker for the fun of it so I can see how this might be upsetting you. You will get rude people wherever you go so if I were you I would not give them anything to fuel their fire meaning don't reply to their obscenities.
  • edited April 2012
    blah blah yawn yawn, rude people playing poker "shock horror" customer care , mini view, grow a pair,"i said this, he said that, get a life !
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    Seriodsly!! Hoew nany times can you tell a guy the same thing??  Stayu.... or go thern comebacjk.. then leasve again ...Fact ids noehwere id friendlierf than here!! GL but hoinestyly yaaawnnn noew /thread befoer I hang myselkf xx
    Posted by TRIP5


    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    blah blah yawn yawn, rude people playing poker "shock horror" customer care , mini view, grow a pair,"i said this, he said that, get a life !
    Posted by pod1



    TKPers zero tolerence on people asking for zero tolerence :D
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    blah blah yawn yawn, rude people playing poker "shock horror" customer care , mini view, grow a pair,"i said this, he said that, get a life !
    Posted by pod1
    this is what i think pod but people are people some it doesnt bother some but others it does but for the good of the site the abuse has got to be stamped out regardless,you should be able to call a mod to the table instead of fannying around with c/c and c+p everything they say
  • edited April 2012
    i agree , but i think there is a difference betwen "abuse" and being "rude"
  • edited April 2012
    People in glass houses should be seen and not heard
  • edited April 2012
    Well I just be rude sometimes to players, and it works they start playing like idoits. Anyway, no ones forcing you to read the chat, you can ignore it.
  • edited April 2012
    I;ll be honest i get abusive sometimes (nothing racist or anything like that, just good old fasioned insults) and thats only on a table were everyone is folding, am not going to sit on a table for 3 hours watching everyone fold, while the chip leader gets out of range, and your short stacked, that gets me, especially when its done early on.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    Well I just be rude sometimes to players, and it works they start playing like idoits. Anyway, no ones forcing you to read the chat, you can ignore it.
    Posted by Vasigil
     What do idiots play like?--- I can spot a loony no problems, but have a bit of trouble spotting idiots, can you give me any tips?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players :  What do idiots play like?--- I can spot a loony no problems, but have a bit of trouble spotting idiots, can you give me any tips?
    Posted by oynutter
    WTF are you talking about? what is this inchorent babble? your dismissed.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Poker isn't a popularity contest. No one is oblidged not to be rude. I don't get it.
  • edited April 2012
    Some people obviously find them easier to spot than others
  • edited April 2012
    tony g is loud, noisy and obnoxious but that is not abusive.
  • edited April 2012
    But the thing that devilfish called him is abusive---lol--- (same page on youtube)-- tonyg v devilfish--no comment--

     No excuse for sizeism in poker!
  • edited April 2012
    like i say, no room for abusive players in sky, but theres no need for soooo many posts saying he called me" this and that"
    IF and its a big IF, someone really does "upset" you then cc is the only port of call, the forum isnt!!! its a bit like having a "poo" everyone knows people are doing it but noone wants to see it.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: site full of really rude players:
    I;ll be honest i get abusive sometimes (nothing racist or anything like that, just good old fasioned insults) and thats only on a table were everyone is folding, am not going to sit on a table for 3 hours watching everyone fold, while the chip leader gets out of range, and your short stacked, that gets me, especially when its done early on.
    Posted by Vasigil

    Question you'd need to ask self is if you think this rationale applies to how you'd play live.

    Would you go to a live game and sit and be rude to oppos who sat and "just folded their hands"?  If so why?  Or is is just safer from behind a comp screen?

    Seems to me like your basically saying you think its ok to be rude to your tablemates if your bored...or am I missing something?

    Think its just a matter of character tbh.........
  • edited April 2012
    vagisal we are not arguing the same point here, im not condoning winding people up and being rude to get kicks . like aymbr says thats obviously a character thing. 
    my point is the amount of posts that come on the forum stating they have been rattled by people in the chat box.
    maybe sky can put it up in red on the front page of general "if you have problems with players etiquette, contact cc!!!"
  • edited April 2012
    Got tbh think you are wasting your breath with this guy pod.

    Dont want to come across rude, but if you check the majority of his 12 posts you'll see he has simply used them to be rude to people.

    Only interested in being unpleasant and a WUM IMO.
  • edited April 2012
    yeah see what you mean lol
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to site full of really rude players:
    only been here for near 2 weeks and find that this is the worst site ive ever played on when it comes to players being rude and abusive  think i will be going back to my old site as its just poor,i play poker for fun and when your being abused for playing is just wrong  just had the worst of it on a cash table just now where a player was just being plane abusive for no reason to every1  might try this site again sometime but for now i will finish my new player bonus off then go elsewhere  wish you all goodluck and wish you all the best 
    Posted by chris_84
    Pity you're thinkin of callin it a day lad.I've been on this site a few months now and in my experience it has been really helpful with regards to friendly folk passin on helpful advice.Be lucky wherever you end up playin.
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