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Closed threads

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
Must admit, it always tilts me when I see a thread on any forum locked without a post saying "This thread has been locked because xyz".


  • edited April 2012
    Whilst I have no problems with threads being closed, and so most of them should be, I'm not very pleased that a recent thread on here has been closed and left for all to see after I have been made out to be talking balloney by the great man himself:-
    Posts: 14840
    First: 20/5/2009
    Last: 10/4/2012

    For the sake of clarity & balance, & although I try to avoid threads like this, I must comment here.

    "....I asked the 'Head of Poker' to work it out for me a couple of months ago, he said that's what it worked out at approx...." (this was me talking about the equivalent C4P to rakeback)

    "....just that I would presume the guy I spoke to on here would be able to get it right lol....."

    "Lol" indeed!

    I think there may be a misunderstanding on your part here, though I hasten to add, I'm sure it is wholly unintentional.

    "Rakeback" is not an expression anyone in the business at Sky Poker ever use, or have ever used, we approach it very differently, & quite deliberately.

    Nor can the C4P at Sky Poker be compared with rakeback on other sites, as the system does not work like that, again, by design, there is no "accurate figure", as it "depends".

    As the comments attributed to our Head of Poker seemed so unlikely, I spoke with him this morning, & he assures me that a conversation along the suggested lines did not take place, & could not have taken place for the reasons I have suggested. I'm quite sure you had a convo with him, if you say so, but he would never have replied along the lines you suggest.

    You can, of course, get all sorts of rakeback at other Online Poker Sites, but Sky Poker do things their own way, just as, say, Pokerstars (another site that does not offer "rakeback") do. Both sites report much-increased traffic, whilst almost every other site is seeing rapidly declining traffic & market share.

    Wow! I beg your pardon Tikay but I can promise you that conversation DID take place thank you very much.

    It may well have been more than 2 months ago but the conversation happened and I don't feel I am 'mistaken' whatsoever (although as pointed out below rake/C4P = different system). This topic was the only reason I got in touch about, to find out how much my C4P money I received equated to over the amount of rake I had generated. Feel free to dig out any chat logs that are kept.

    I don't know if there are any other managers that I may have spoken to but it was at a higher level that the first person I spoke to (I thought it was the Head of Poker from recollection but maybe was another manager inbetween if there are any?)

    Ok, the guy I spoke to may not actually have said - "your C4P money equates to 12% rakeback" and that may well be where the misunderstanding is, but he told me how much I had raked for the site over a certain timescale that I asked, -  Yes it may be worked out by a different system, and not be exact as it 'depends', but it's not going to be way out and from the ££ that I got back through C4P it isn't hard to translate that into a %age no matter how it's worked out. 

    No-one has actually said 12% is way out and is a lot more either.

    I understand these threads aren't really wanted about rake, so my apologies for bringing it up here.however, the reality of the poker world is that it exists, although in a slightly different form on Sky.

    As has been said though, if it was all about rake (or C4P) I wouldn't be playing here.
  • edited April 2012
    So the person you spoke to may not have been the "THE HEAD OF POKER" and they might not have said what you wrote.

    And your point  about what Tikay said is?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Closed threads:
    So the person you spoke to may not have been the "THE HEAD OF POKER" and they might not have said what you wrote. And your point  about what Tikay said is?
    Posted by jonjo75
    I am still quite sure it WAS the Head of Poker I had a convo with, however I MAY be confusing it with when I spoke to him about something else around the same timeframe. If it wasn't, it was with the manager on duty at the time.

    They might not have said EXACTLY what I said but it was along those lines - rake generated divided by C4P earned = 12% (although the system is slightly different I don't think it is far out).

    My point about Tikay was that the above didn't happen and then it was closed. (I know Tikay does an amazing job so am not calling him for that whatsoever).

    I don't actually LIKE creating this thread fwiw as it sounds like I'm moaning and causing trouble which I don't mean to do.

    That ok for you?

    Edit: If it's not possible whatsoever to compare the two then why has a regular on the site, who has been presenting on the show recently, saying that he's also done calulations for the level he plays at and has a figure of his own? (though higher as he plays higher limits and plays a lot more)
  • edited April 2012

    my baloney meter goes to eleven.
  • edited April 2012

    I used the words "there may have been a misunderstanding" because I thought it a better way of saying it, & all of us here at Sky Poker are doing our best to make this Forum a better & more enjoyable place. Sometimes it's not easy to politely say "no you did not".

    To be slightly more direct than I was this morning, I will clarify what I said, & the actuality.

    You did not speak to the Head of Poker, & in fairness, I don't think you should have suggested you did. People read that stuff and some of them end up believing it, hence I felt the need to correct something you presented as a fact. It was not a fact.  

    The vast majority of the players here trust Sky Poker completely, so when statements like that or made, the only choices are to correct them, or close the thread. Or both.

    I do not exercise my option to Moderate, or close threads, but you cannot be surprised that the thread was closed, or feign not to know why. An explanation was not needed.
  • edited April 2012
    i must admit the original thread was closed quite quick with no reason when . i think there was more to be said on the subject by other forum members but for no apparent reason it was closed.
    i think die hard had a valid question (maybe not put over quite as eloquent as it could have been) but still a valid question.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    I really want to know the actual % of rake given back now :/

    I still don't see how Sky can try and distance themseves from "rakeback" so much. C4P IS rakeback.

    The % at the micro stakes needs to be improved a lot, it is incredibly low atm.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Closed threads:
    I really want to know the actual % of rake given back now :/ I still don't see how Sky can try and distance themseves from "rakeback" so much. C4P IS rakeback. The % at the micro stakes needs to be improved a lot, it is incredibly low atm.
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    I think its because 'rakeback' payments aren't given by the sites themselves.

    Rakeback works by affiliates doing deals with the various rooms and then distributing the rakeback payment every month.  This is why the network poker rooms are dying a slow death as they are all trying to undercut each other...whcih looks great for a grinder in the short term but for the long term health of the room is disasterous.

    Sky is one of the very few rooms that regulate these payments itself, making it a far far safer systems as there have been some big rakeback affilate sites who have just taken the big nice rakeback payment for all of its customers and done a runner.
  • edited April 2012
    upto 50% i think, depending on:
    the volume that you play
    the type of games that you play
    how tight you play (in cash)
  • edited April 2012

    The Cash for Points system is clearly explained HERE

    The way Poker Points are earned is HERE

  • edited April 2012
    You did not speak to the Head of Poker, & in fairness, I don't think you should have suggested you did.
     in fairness tikay i think die hard thought he was, he has no reason to "suggest" otherwise
  • edited April 2012
    Ok, the guy I spoke to may not actually have said - "your C4P money equates to 12% rakeback" and that may well be where the misunderstanding is, but he told me how much I had raked for the site over a certain timescale that I asked, -  Yes it may be worked out by a different system, and not be exact as it 'depends', but it's not going to be way out and from the ££ that I got back through C4P it isn't hard to translate that into a %age no matter how it's worked out. 

    I also think its unfair to say 12pc.  The way that Sky works is that it incentivises you to grind.

    So the months where you, say only gained 1k C4P will drag the months where you grinded 15k C4Ps down.

    At the highest rate of C4P, on SnG/MTT rake is very generous.  If you get 50k points (hard but possible) then you get 65pc rakeback on the SnG/MTT fee.

    You said on the thread before that some weeks on 100nl you would get 450/500 a WEEK but you did say you played a lot bigger volume.  Well last month I got 1.7k for grinding 50/100nl for between 4-5 hours per day.......
  • edited April 2012
    Ok, if it has been confirmed through records I didn't speak to the Head of Poker I apologise. I suggested I did because I was pretty sure it was. As I said, I may have got it confused with the time I DID speak to the Head of Poker (someone I spoke to put me through to them stating it was the Head of Poker) about the other matter we pm'd about (ty very much for the long reply on that btw, I was going to reply when I got time).

    I chatted with someone else who the original operator put me through to, so presumably it was the manager on duty at the time (someone with the authority to tell me exactly how much rake I had generated).

    I've said my what I wanted to anyway -  I spoke with 'someone' who told me what I said here. I don't think it's wrong of me to say that. This has actually gone o/t to what it was about too - it wasn't about WHO I spoke to (though if anyone wants to say I didn't speak to anyone at all and am just making all this up for some inexplicable (sp.) reason, is a different story).

    (I fully understand why the original thread was closed btw, hence me saying I didn't enjoy making this one).
  • edited April 2012

    The thread was closed for obvious, & good, reason, it needed no explanation.

    I have now been obliged to be a little more direct than I was this morning, which I would have preferred not to have to do.

    We have repeatedly made it clear that this is the Community Forum, & not Customer Care, & we intend that it is a place where players can come to enjoy themselves.


  • edited April 2012
    The long and the short of it is that Sky do a lot of things differently from other sites.  C4P being one of them. 

    To try and compare the C4P system and Rakebake is unfair, the two schemes are different. Yes they are designed to achieve the same purpose, reward loyalty to a particular site.  But they achieve this in different manners

    I could drive to London in a clapped out skoda or a brand new Porsche.  The objective is the same but I know whch one I'd choose
  • edited April 2012

    "....about the other matter we pm'd about (ty very much for the long reply on that btw, I was going to reply when I got time)....."

    Yes, I sent you three PM's trying to clearly reassure you. Don't worry, I don't need them replied to.

    We all work very hard here to look after our customers, which was why I wrote to you three times via PM - some things are better not said on a public platform.

    If anyone is not happy with the service they get from Sky Poker, feel free to contact Customer Care, or send me a PM. I reply to them all, except the rude &/or offensive ones. I get plenty of those, too, but yours was just fine.

    It's 7pm now, & I'd rather like a peaceful & pleasant evening, so let move on, please.

  • edited April 2012


  • edited April 2012
    I feel like a militant now, which I'm certainly not. Nothing personal either to anyone.

    Ok, I give permission to close this thread now ;) (sorry, really bad joke prob :( )

    Yes, all move along. Nothng to see here. Let's enjoy Sky Poker which is imo still the best site btw :)
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