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ok, i think im starting to get to grips with my starting range now. in the not so distant past i was playing lets say quite a wide range and thinking i can out play people down the streets, unfortunatly when i move up to nl50 i am getting cruxified a)due to having this mentality still and b) playing less tables at a time and getting a little bored.yesterday i had 8 hrs of playing in 4 sessions, playing mostly nl20 with a few 30 and 40s in there for good measure.
had 2 very good sessions and 2 not so good, but ended up about £140.
going back over my biggest winning/losing hands there was a marked difference in my starting hands NOT LEVELS i was playing. im not going to bore you with all the hands but the hands where i won 1+bin = aj aa 77 ak 77 1010 ak 88 aa. the losing 1+ bins= q8 89 qk ak ak qk.
i know in the past i have been told by a few that my range is too wide, but sometimes you just have to sit down and work it out for yourself!
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You're obviously going about it the right way though