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Can we have a thread to talk about rake?.
I keep trying to post in ones created today but they keep closing before I can.
I found Tikays post below, but is there an explanation of how much rake is paid on pots anywhere?. E.G, if I play nl50 and win a pot for 100 pound, how much rake is paid. Or if the pot is only small and big blind, 1.50, how much rake is paid.
Sorry couldnt find on site anywhere.
By the way I calculated how much "moneyback" you would get for sngs. If you get 12000 points in a month you will get about 30 percent of the rake you paid back. Not bad at all, but you have to put in a lot of play. If you get 50000 points you get 60 percent, but I dont think any average player will even get close to that.
Tikays post -
The Cash for Points system is clearly explained HEREThe way Poker Points are earned is HERE
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Oh and I tried replying to Scotty in the last thread
In Response to Re: Closed threads: My only problem with this system is how bad the deal for micro stakes players is, with the increased rake at the lower levels (Backwards logic) they can only recieve about ~5% rakeback at most. IMO they need to sweeten the deal for the lower stakes players, all the talk of liquidity and longetivity from the Contributed vs Dealt hands in cash C4P thread comes to mind.
(OP - apologies too for not replying to your pm about how to get a HUD working - I won't be replying either - they're not supported on here anyway))
You're asking the wrong question, what you should be asking if 'rakeback' is important to you is: given the system in place, how do I best maximise my returns.
sky reward cash for points. there are no sites that offer rakeback for playing on sky (to my knowledge)
rakeback and cash for points are not the same thing.
Obviously there's loads of affiliates out there, but I've had deals from all the last 4 sites I've played on directly.
Not on sky poker you havent.
With cash 4 Points you pay a certain ammount in rake and get a certain ammount of cash, therefore it IS rake given back, Therefore it IS rakeback!
God, I'm so pedantic...
That is only part of the matter.
It is Cash for Points for Rake.
That = Cash for Rake.
(Before Sky
as things currently stand the amount of points you get is not directly linked to how much you pay in rake e.g. sky do not look at how much rake you have paid and decide to return a certain % as is usually the case with rakeback on other poker sites.
you are awarded points depending on the number of raked hands you are involved in not how much rake you contribute to the pot (see weighted contribution thread) so no it is not rakeback e.g. if you are dealt in for 20 hands you will get a certain number of points which doesnt change regardless of how much you contribute to the rake during these hands. you get the same points if you fold every hand or if you play every hand so therefore it has nothing to do with how much you pay in rake.
obviously the more hands you play the more points you get but you do not get more points for contributing a greater amount to the rake so therefore it is not the same as rakeback
cash for points is a reward based on the number of hands played - more hands = more reward.
Yes for cash its a bit different but not much, since generally the more hands you play the more you will rake anyway.
Payed 110 pounds(10 rake) for the easter sunday tourney and expected to get 100 points, got nothing.
Cant understand why this is. I think only the top 20 out of the 340 entries get any points for the rake they paid.
Doesnt seem very fair.
EDIT: Probably what Scotty said.
I exchanged around 10 emails with sky support(even sent screenshots) about this asking if my MTT points should be 0 or should have something for tourneys and they said I only get points for tourneys if I finish in top 20.
Maybe there is a communication breakdown. Sky system is confusing.
you will have received 100 poker points for playing in tourney which contribute towards your c4p. this total can be viewed on your homepage or account section, they have absolutley no bearing on league points which are awarded for finishing positions in sng n mtt n also points for winning a hand in cash
So what are these league points for?. Do I need to take a course on the sky poker promotions, rake, cash for points calcuation etc
Although in cash it will be variable, on average each month if you put in the same volume, you would get roughly the same % back in C4P as other months.
other than that if you finish in the top 150 of each discipline in a month you are invited to a freeroll where 20 £110 roller seats are on offer.
think that covers that
Im reading about cash for points and league points again.
It seems you have to opt in to cash for points. Why is this?, is there anything to be gained from not opting into this?. Seems like something that should be enabled for all players by default, unless Im missing something again.
Similarly with this poker league, is there any reason someone would want to opt out of it?
League Points are the thing under "Poker League" when you look at the league table. When you load up the tournament lobby and look at the top prizes, it'll say "£100 + 20 League Points", for example. League Points go towards the Poker League table, and the top players in Cash, STT and MTT all go into the League Stars Freeroll at the end of the month.
League Points also decide who gets a chance to qualify for Team Sky Poker every 3 months, but I believe there isn't going to be a TSP qualifier in July.
Hope this helps.
Yep, I was getting confused because my poker points and league points are almost identical and I thought this was a breakdown of points.