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Interesting time in a 2p/4p PLO game.

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi everyone. I decided to play some Omaha, which is a game I love, after busting the late Bounty Hunter 5 places before the bubble. I did however take a few bounties which meant I was in profit even though I didn't cash. I thought I'd see if there was a game on at the Omaha cash tables and boy did I find one. I jumped on the table and there was a player who was super aggro, and I assumed at first he knew what he was doing and the table were folding to him. After a new player joined who was unwilling to fold to his relentless betting I finally saw some of his hands go to showdown and realised he must have been a purely Hold Em player as he was playing 1 pair like a monster and calling when he had no real chance. I must admit at this point that the cards were kind to me at points but he was absolutely relentless in re-raising and inflating pots pre to the pot limit every hand. I flopped the stone cold nuts on the flop and he bet pot I 3 bet pot and so it continued hand after hand. I eventually stacked him 4 or 5 times and at this point others were becoming wise to his tactics so some of the pots were multiway. I eventually managed after about 1 and 1/2 hours to accumulate £40 from my £4 buy in and decided to leave the table as my customer had gone and I assume I took his roll as he bought in for 83p on his last buy-in. Should I have stayed with the other stacks being £2 and £2.40 or was I right to leave? We will never know but it was so much fun. I have only had a few games of PLO Cash on Sky Poker but it was the game I learnt first when I was a Croupier years ago and I paid my dues in the pub at 4am every morning after work to my fellow Croupiers. I will be playing more PLO on Sky as the few times I've done it I've managed to spin my small buy in of £4 up to £20 £16 £27 and now a £40. These are a few good results and nothing like a sample size so I may just be running into the right situations or the right players but it is far better than my forays into the NLHE Cash which have generally been spewy and unsuccessful. It is a slight brag post but also a flag to other players that the PLO games late at night at the lowest level are a nice place to play, and there could be money to be made for good PLO players. Especially now I'll be there splashing around in late night
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham


  • edited April 2012
    It's surprising how many people don't understand Omaha and will stack off with top pair, or an overpair to the board. Omaha isn't Hold'em, and I'm more than happy to make people pay to learn that lesson.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Interesting time in a 2p/4p PLO game.:
    It's surprising how many people don't understand Omaha and will stack off with top pair, or an overpair to the board. Omaha isn't Hold'em, and I'm more than happy to make people pay to learn that lesson.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    I was shocked at people stacking off with Over pairs to the board when there were straight draws out there and Flush draws on there and I was willing to call with super wraps and Nut flush draws. So many times the board came down J,J,3,2,7 and I have J,3 and they are pot raising and then re-shoving with A,A,7,5. I enjoyed my game and am going to go back again soon. Just hope I don't see you there(meant in the nicest of ways).lol
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Interesting time in a 2p/4p PLO game.:
    In Response to Re: Interesting time in a 2p/4p PLO game. : I was shocked at people stacking off with Over pairs to the board when there were straight draws out there and Flush draws on there and I was willing to call with super wraps and Nut flush draws. So many times the board came down J,J,3,2,7 and I have J,3 and they are pot raising and then re-shoving with A,A,7,5. I enjoyed my game and am going to go back again soon. Just hope I don't see you there(meant in the nicest of ways).lol Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
    Posted by shaun84
    I had someone drawing to and then stacking off with the third nut flush earlier on a paired board when I'm sat there with the second nut house. Make notes, I think I'll play this guy again sometime :)

    Bought an Omaha book the other day, arrived today and started reading it, can't remember exactly what it's called but I mentioned it in my diary thread, has already cut out a couple of mistakes in my Omaha game and paid for itself.
  • edited April 2012
    I went and watched an Omaha game the only one going after my last post. It was 25p/50p so way above what I would normally play, but I was chatting to the players whilst observing the game. They asked me to join which is usually a bad sign, but I joined for a bit of fun and decided to Shortstack. I bought in for the minimum of £10 and doubled through in the first few hands. It was 3 handed so fast and furious is an understatement. I was up to around £38 at one point but had an awful hand where I knew he had the nut flush and I called off a small bet on the river that looked valuey with the second nut flush. I knew I should have folded but came to the table with the wrong minset of having some fun. I eventually walked away with £23 which was over a double up for my minimum buy-in, so I was reasonably pleased. I think if I had bought in for the maximum and played to grind and win money, instead of having some fun, I might have been more successful. The players at my table were great fun and very chatty so the time passed quickly. At least I know I can more than hold my own at a bigger blind level and if I fancy a shot in the future I may be back to those tables again.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
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