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HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
Hello im new to Skypoker and need advice on BRM . I deposited £20 last week and found that i went bust quite quickly ... I know im doing something wrong . I need advice on what price i.e (maximum buy-ins for MTT , SnG , and also what cash games should i be playing at in order to build on my bankroll  .Iv looked for bankroll help by searching the internet but there was no bankroll managment guide that suited my £20 max deposit .. Please help me out !!


  • edited April 2012
    i would say 30/60dym`s is best for building and for mtt`s £1.10 deepstack 12 mins blinds 5000 chips at 7.45pm plenty of play in this, gl in building up and i`m sure a few others will give you other things
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed:
    Hello im new to Skypoker and need advice on BRM . I deposited £20 last week and found that i went bust quite quickly ... I know im doing something wrong . I need advice on what price i.e (maximum buy-ins for MTT , SnG , and also what cash games should i be playing at in order to build on my bankroll  .Iv looked for bankroll help by searching the internet but there was no bankroll managment guide that suited my £20 max deposit .. Please help me out !!
    Posted by PokerEire
    Maybe you should learn to play poker at a better level before you put £20 in your account.

    Freeroll and micro buy in/cash games will help out.
    And maybe read a poker book.

    Hopefully you don't take offence to this but if your busting out on £20 alot then i would spread it out over more games.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed:
    i would say 30/60dym`s is best for building and for mtt`s £1.10 deepstack 12 mins blinds 5000 chips at 7.45pm plenty of play in this, gl in building up and i`m sure a few others will give you other things
    Posted by spornybol
    Il definately have a look at that MTT tourney thanks m8 .. Would you recommend a max of 1 MTT a day ??
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed:
    In Response to HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed : Maybe you should learn to play poker at a better level before you put £20 in your account. Freeroll and micro buy in/cash games will help out. And maybe read a poker book. Hopefully you don't take offence to this but if your busting out on £20 alot then i would spread it out over more games.
    Posted by Rev83
    Ok i hear you . What would you suggest i start out with ?? I will try find a good book also thanks . Am i right in noticing the smallest NL is 0.02/0.04 blinds ??
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed:
    In Response to Re: HELP!! Bankroll Managment advice needed : Il definately have a look at that MTT tourney thanks m8 .. Would you recommend a max of 1 MTT a day ??
    Posted by PokerEire
    there is only 1 £1.10 deepstack a day the next is £2.20 where the are a few more and i would say with the b/roll you have then yes as mtt is a higher variance than the other type of games
  • edited April 2012
    BRM at £20 is very difficult as there is little that fits in correctky with it. I'd suggest setting a limit to deposit that you can afford to lose and jusy enjoy playing ya pokerz. If twenty quid is that, then £1.10/£2.20 depstacks will give you the most bang for ya buck. Lots of playing time and chips,so you can make mistakes and still have chips.
     Also playing freerolls will help the BR but probably not your pokerz but if you bink one you can add substantially to your roll.
    Gd luck at the tables.
  • edited April 2012
    hi pokereire,
    £20 isn,t going to give you much margine 4 error.
    i started with £50 a couple of years ago.
    i played 1 cash table 2p/4p
    (which is the lowest).
    when the £4 was gone....
    (i can still remember it now,...i lasted 2 and a !/4 hours 1st night)
    that was it 4 that day.
    2nd day same again 1 table...loaded up the £4
    (got a bit cocky....lasted 45
    did this 4 about a week or more....
    eventually built bankroll (b/roll)
    back up to my starting £50
    then went on from there really,
    now am in profit by £1000

    i,m sure plenty of others have done the same
    probably even better,
    but it shows thet you can start from a small deposit
    and see it grow!!!

    my advice....
    find a type of game that you enjoy playing
    and go 4 it,
    don,t be afraid to experiment,
    even if u get it wrong,
    it will help your game develop at worst.
    most of all enjoy it.

    and probably most importantly...
    bankroll management.
    you should be very disciplined with the ammount
    you play with.
    the golden rule is never play with more than 5% of your b/roll
    if possible,
    if u find u can,t stick to that...
    which is not easy,
    make it 10%

    good luck anyway....
    and have fun.



  • edited April 2012
    I would defo give the 30p/60p DYM's a go, not to help you build a roll as the rake prevents that imo, but just to get used to playing games where money is at stake with a format where there is a decent amount of play.

    With those games even if you lose EVERY game you play (won't happen lol) you'll still get at least 66 shots at the 30p level, probz much more obvz. 

    Another thing that would suit you well is the DTD on Mondays, 3 MTT's (£1.10, 2 x £2.20's) so just over a fiver and the structure in all of them is very good and will allow you to get lots of play. The downside with these are you won't cash very often and statistically you WILL lose all 3 on the night but if you were to win one it could make a massive boost to your total roll. 

    Finally cash is an option and to be honest even with £20 I believe as long as you only single table (which shouldn't be boring as you've just started lol) it should last but that requires play tight aggressive, not limping etc. A good piece to read would be Dohhh's thread on micro stakes, there should be a link somewhere in the blog section. 

    Good luck anyway matey and also try posting a few hands in the Poker clinic ;)
  • edited April 2012
    I started with £12 and now have over £100 playing low stakes.

    Play 0.02/0.04 and muti table as many tables as you can manage. Play very tight (AA,KK,QQ,JJ, Ak, AQ only etc) Try not get into large pots unless you have the nuts as you cant afford to lose big pots and remember at this level most people play fit or fold poker meaning if they miss the flop they will check/fold every time. Most people who are willing to commit 40p+ to the pot usually have something so be wary (obviously not everyone)

    Other people in this thread are saying do not multi table, my reason why you really should is because as a new player you receive £5 for every 75 poker points you gain this will account for a large amout of your early profit if you can build those points up. Once you pass the first 30 days gaining 500 points to get your first £4 isnt easy at low stakes so dont miss your chance.

    If you like playing MTT's then you should play cash and if you make a profit then buy into one as a treat Do this because if you play MTT's and not place well you will bust very fast.
  • edited April 2012
    Play NL4 wait for sets,AA & KK - win money

  • edited April 2012
    @ smith08619 - You mention trying to multitable as many as possible but for me this just doesn't feel right because as a new player he'll most likely be just about ok with one and if he starts ramming lots of screens in when he's JUST started he'll probably make tons of mistakes due to too much gong on and any gains he gets from building up points will be outweighed by mistake losses. However adding more tables is good and gets you in good habits but just let him settle in first imo while his roll is still VERY small.

    You also say most people play 'fit or fold poker' at NL4 but this just isn't true in fact it's the complete opposite in that they'll happily call pot bets for gutshot/straight/flush draws etc without batting an eyelid, sometimes they even call decent bets with Ace high lol. Oh and on the 'people who are willing to commit 40p+ usually have something' again this is false as most will call those sort of bets with ANY ace almost any King and lots more as they 'wanna see dat flop' 

    I admit some of the above is true of players in that level but those are the ones you stay clear of because you require coolers to beat them and everyone gets an equal share of them so you just lose to rake. You can of course try and 'play poker' against the ROCKS at NL4 but with the fish around them making 3bet bluffs would probably be suicidal.

  • edited April 2012
    I would think very carefully before you read a poker book. Imo, the best game to play is your own game, developed by your experience, if you act on your poker instinct, you will know what to do in any situation--- If you read a book, you have 15 seconds to make a decision based on what you read.
     Personally, I beleive that reading a book about how to play poker would hinder, and possibly ruin. the development of my own game.

     The low buy in deep stacks are an excellent way to learn cheaply

                                             Floppa whoppa!
  • edited April 2012
    dont play 30p/60p DYMs the rake will kill u
  • edited April 2012

     R U NEW 2 POKER

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