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Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat

Greetings one and all,

Announcing this weekend’s big live show on your dedicated Sky Poker television channel:

Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay


With all this..!

7pm-8pm – Live cash coverage and a look ahead to Sunday’s big games

8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – My play on the Mastercash tables this weekend gets ripped apart by Tikay!

9pm-10pm – Poker School – Playing large pocket pairs in Cash (Qs, Ks and Aces)

10pm-11pm – Top of Sky Poker – coverage of Sunday night’s Viva Las Vegas Semi Final

11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights – coverage of Sunday’s £10K GTD Primo

So- we’re looking for your hand requests from the two tournaments above plus any Mastercash tables and any thoughts/hands on our Poker School subject of playing big pocket pairs in cash.


And for a bit of Easter hols fun...

Who would you be totally starstruck by if you were ever to meet them? (Poker or non-poker)

I actually met Tom Dwan once and was a little starstruck as I think he has some serious presence and star quality at the poker table.

Also I reckon if I ever met Steven Spielberg I’d be lost for words. What do you say to the guy whose films you’ve seen hundreds of times and who has heard it all before from fans and interviewers alike?

So who, in poker or otherwise, would make you tongue-tied/weak at the knees/lose the plot in front of, if you ever met them in real life?

Best message contribution to the show this week wins free entry into the Sky Sports Bounty Hunter main event this coming Thursday night, which could be worth thousands to you.

We start at 7pm Sunday night- we’ll see you there!



  • edited April 2012
    hope you change the wrinkley one`s nappy first and i don`t mean the baby :))
  • edited April 2012
    I can't wait for tomorrows show. The dream team back in action.* I will be trying to satellite into the Primo but usually I end up just playing the 21:30 Bounty Hunter. In answer to your question, I would get starstruck meeting Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman. Poker wise I'd get starstruck meeting Tikay or Daniel Negranu. Thats a foursome for a dinner party. Some great stories would be Have a great show, and keep an eye out for my many emails.
    Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham

    *Disclaimer, Other teams are available and may be better, No lawsuits
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    I can't wait for tomorrows show. The dream team back in action.* I will be trying to satellite into the Primo but usually I end up just playing the 21:30 Bounty Hunter. In answer to your question, I would get starstruck meeting Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman. Poker wise I'd get starstruck meeting Tikay or Daniel Negranu. Thats a foursome for a dinner party. Some great stories would be Have a great show, and keep an eye out for my many emails. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham *Disclaimer, Other teams are available and may be better, No lawsuits
    Posted by shaun84
    see you at WEMBLY, ohh wait :))
  • edited April 2012
    Good luck with the Sky Poker School - I don't know whether you've got the easiest job ever talking about it or the hardest job ever filling the rest of the show.

    Big pocket pairs in cash... You move the slider to the right a little bit, then click the "Raise" button.

    Simples :)
  • edited April 2012

    Good evening Mr. Orford and Mr. Kendall.

    Richard, after harrassing you all night on Wednesday I promised to send in a hand that I butchered, so here it is:
    #504688134 (20:57 11/04/2012) from Wednesday's double-stack.

    It's a wonderful example of how to haemorrhage half of your stack with big slick. I bet-called on the turn because I felt if he'd had an overpair he would have either raised the flop or wouldn't raise now, so his range was basically either a monster (Quads or a house) or nothing... and I beat all the nothings. I wasn't concerned about straights since only gut-shots had made it on the turn and I didn't see A2 calling a pre-flop 3-bet... but there you go. I made a mess of it.

    I would be delighted if you weren't able to show this hand. The Primo and Viva Las Vegas are far more important than embarrassing me, right?

    Good luck for the show. I can't wait for Tikay to get stuck into your play. :)

  • edited April 2012

    Who would I be starstruck by in poker? Nobody.

    I don't do heroes and if I did they wouldn't be poker players. We're all just people that play a game of cards.

    Maybe Henry George Blogg would be my hero if I had any. Look him up. Brave chap.

  • edited April 2012
    Hullooooo! Been ages since I played any cash, but I played 7/8 hands last night, got stacked, and stood.

    Wonder if you can have a look at it for me.

    Where did it all go wrong?


    Hand History #505668946 (00:23 14/04/2012)

  • edited April 2012
    Hi guys.

    Here are a couple of hands from a mastercash table last night both showing one of the things Tikay always trys to drum into people that 1 small mistake can lead to a massive loss.

    The first hand the mistake was all mine through trying to get to jiggy out of position

    Hand id = 505973485 action table 40

    The 2nd hand was the mistake of my opponant and the reason for my massive raise pre was because i expected to be called in 2 spots not only 1 :)

    Hand id = 506022982 action table 40

    Looking forward to a ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL show :)


  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    Hi guys. Here are a couple of hands from a mastercash table last night both showing one of the things Tikay always trys to drum into people that 1 small mistake can lead to a massive loss. The first hand the mistake was all mine through trying to get to jiggy out of position Hand id = 505973485 action table 40 The 2nd hand was the mistake of my opponant and the reason for my massive raise pre was because i expected to be called in 2 spots not only 1 :) Hand id = 506022982 action table 40 Looking forward to a ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL show :) ARAZI Daz
    Posted by _ARAZI_

    Sorry guys i just realised that action table 40 didnt have a tv icon so you prob wont be able to show those 2 hands.

    I will post 1 more hand from last night and its from mastercash table 11 hand id 505897729

    Just wondering would this go down as a fold 100% of the time because i have the minimum invested and i think i am chopping at best because i dont think anyone could be crazy enough to be betting a flush here thinking it is good ?
    Also the reason i checked behind on the flop is because i have notes on my opponant saying he always checks monster hands on the flop

  • edited April 2012
    I would be starstruck if I met Tikay, or indeed any of the big names at Sky poker, ( except Orford, obviously )
  • edited April 2012
    hi mr O and mr T
       will have a go playing cash on tv 2nite 
       as i lost my mojo i play lot DYMs i can up 2 12 tables but on cash will play will only play 2 tables and H/up only 1 will b happy withyour input 
     p.s last nite go 2 cash out 4 b/hunter last nite out lay £45.30 profit £65.08
      big on C4P MARCH 43002 APRIL 12492 target 30k
  • edited April 2012
    Cheers guys, thanks for the responses so far.

    Yeah, hand ids need to be from tables/tournaments with tv icons next to them.

    Showtime at 7 tonight!
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Rich and Tikay
    Poker -wise I would like to meet  the awesome and very vocal Daniel Negreanu. I don't think It would be a case of me being tongue-tied, more likely to be me trying to get a word In edgeways!

    Non - poker  Billie-joe Armstrong from the band Green Day. I would definitely go weak at the knees but not  through being starstruck!

    Have a good show gentlemen x
  • edited April 2012
    Hi guys ,

     I know its a boring answer but its got to be Tikay. Anyone who can change the name i have had for 37 years with the minimum of fuss & the maximum of efficiency. (My mother would be well impressed.) How awesome is that!!

    Any chance of you working for Jobcentreplus (Benefits section) Tikay? I have just spent 75 minutes in a phone queue to be told the query was now being dealt with by a different department!!!!!  

    Have a great show


  • edited April 2012
    I'd never get starstruck, I can loose happily to anyone.  I guess Tony G would intimidate me.  So much so that I'd go outside and cut his break lines
  • edited April 2012
    4 hours to go, folks.

    Great answers on the starstruck topic, and some good hands coming in for us to look at.

    If you see or are involved in anything involving pocket Qs, Ks or Aces on a Mastercash table that you think would be interesting for our Sky Poker School show at 8pm on playing large pocket pairs I cash then please drop us the hand i.d. number on here along with a few thoughts.
  • edited April 2012
    Looks like tonights show is from Men-in-Black.

    Here's a TV poker hand of a big pair that would intimidate most, lol.

    Will this get past the mods?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    4 hours to go, folks. Great answers on the starstruck topic, and some good hands coming in for us to look at. If you see or are involved in anything involving pocket Qs, Ks or Aces on a Mastercash table that you think would be interesting for our Sky Poker School show at 8pm on playing large pocket pairs I cash then please drop us the hand i.d. number on here along with a few thoughts.
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Just looking though my HH

    found this one from mastercash 2 on 11th April

    Didnt involve me, i just think its an interesting hand

  • edited April 2012
    Thanks Greg, we'll take a look.

    2 hours to go!
  • edited April 2012
    i think i would have been starstruck by actors from the past, they had so much more class than todays actors. Such as john wayne and tony curtis etc and some british great like Richard attenborough etc

    When I work at the BBC i took my friend along to television centre for some recordings. It was the policy for staff at the bbc to ignore any stars. We ended up in the bbc club bar. I was standing at the bar and my friend was just pointing going er er. Noel edmunds was standing behind me having just finishing broadcasting swap shop. Noel said yes it me. She was absolutely star struck and could not say another word. Totally out of character for her
    Its great to see the dream team back. Hope i do well last few hands before i go to barcelona for a few days best wishes tina see you in cardiff
  • edited April 2012
    Hi again guys.

    Heres a hand from a mastercash table last week involving a big pocket pair.

    I was wondering, should i be raising the river here considering my oppo only had just over £35 left and i felt at the time he was doing what he was just because he was on a TV table.

    Reason i didnt raise was because if he did have nothing like i felt then he wouldnt be calling anyway and i would only be getting called if my thoughts were wrong and he had me beat.

    Hand ID:  505057977 mastercash 7 12/04/2012


  • edited April 2012
    Hi Terrible Twosome

    Could you please pass on my thanks to the Sky Poker Community as a whole for their terrific railing of the UKIPT Nottingham

    I am home after coming 39th of 1625 runners making Day 3 and winning a poker best £2700

    Ian MacMonster Senior is till in with 21 left

    James Rann (Runitsrann) exited just after I did.


    I am easily distracted but started on Pieter De Korver's (2009 EPT Grand Final Winner) table, hobnobbed with Nik Persaud, Devilfish, Sam Razavi, Liv Boeree, Kevin McPhee, Jude Ainsworth, Marcel Luske and last but not lease Mr Nick Wealthall

    Great weekend!! Have a great show

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    Hi Terrible Twosome Could you please pass on my thanks to the Sky Poker Community as a whole for their terrific railing of the UKIPT Nottingham I am home after coming 39th of 1625 runners making Day 3 and winning a poker best £2700 Ian MacMonster Senior is till in with 21 left James Rann (Runitsrann) exited just after I did. Starstruck? I am easily distracted but started on Pieter De Korver's (2009 EPT Grand Final Winner) table, hobnobbed with Nik Persaud, Devilfish, Sam Razavi, Liv Boeree, Kevin McPhee, Jude Ainsworth, Marcel Luske and last but not lease Mr Nick Wealthall Great weekend!! Have a great show
    Posted by SolarCarro
    Hi SolarCarro,

    Huge congratulations on your cash, sir!  We'd love to speak to you tonight on the show if you're available, but we don't have a number available for you.  If you'd like to participate, please drop us an email with you phone number...

    The Sky Poker TV Team
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    i think i would have been starstruck by actors from the past, they had so much more class than todays actors. Such as john wayne and tony curtis etc and some british great like Richard attenborough etc When I work at the BBC i took my friend along to television centre for some recordings. It was the policy for staff at the bbc to ignore any stars. We ended up in the bbc club bar. I was standing at the bar and my friend was just pointing going er er. Noel edmunds was standing behind me having just finishing broadcasting swap shop. Noel said yes it me. She was absolutely star struck and could not say another word. Totally out of character for her Its great to see the dream team back. Hope i do well last few hands before i go to barcelona for a few days best wishes tina see you in cardiff
    Posted by karlluke
    so this was your "friend", tina?  hmmmmm?

  • edited April 2012
    evening richard and tikay hope you are both well

    i was starstruck once when i literally bumped into vanezza feltz in a dark north london street (either that or squashed :)

    on a serious note i used to live 2 minutes walk from the city ground and once upon arriving at the ground the legend that is brian clough was getting out of his car... I was only about 7 and my dad asked him to say hello

    "Young man are you here for the game?"

    "yes" replied a sheepish me

    He then discussed the team with my dad for ten minutes got a signed shirt for me from the players (pearce, des walker era great side) and wished me luck with my own game tommorow...

    what a legend.
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Rich and Tikay looking forward to a good show particularly the analyse my play section tonight.Regarding the topic about being starstruck on meeting somebody,last year i was in a bar in New York and a guy came in and sat next to me.

    He never ordered a drink he just sat down and the barman handed him over a bottle of beer(obviously a regular) the barman said to him this is Michael from Scotland i think you could interview him as he is quite witty,i then said to him oh are you  a market researcher then mate, he replied yes well you could say that.

    I spoke to him for about Ten minutes,he seemed a really nice guy,i then said bye to him as i was going to meet some of my mates, i told them about meeting some market researcher called Jay.

    I cant claim to be starstruck with him as how was i supposed to know it was Jay Leno.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay! : Hi SolarCarro, Huge congratulations on your cash, sir!  We'd love to speak to you tonight on the show if you're available, but we don't have a number available for you.  If you'd like to participate, please drop us an email with you phone number... Thanks, The Sky Poker TV Team
    Posted by SkyPokerTV
    Have sent you an email
  • edited April 2012
    Poker wise i would be starstruck to meet the great Phil Ivey non poker wise the king of all kings Henrik Larsson!
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker Television presents Sunday Night Live with Rich and Tikay!:
    Poker wise i would be starstruck to meet the great Phil Ivey non poker wise the king of all kings Henrik Larsson!
    Posted by bearlyther

    + 1 with Henrik we could have done with him today.
  • edited April 2012

    hi richard... good to see you tonight.  i didn't realise that your guest this evening is paul o'grady.

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