Congratulations on beating a stacked field to make the final table. A great cash and tremendous performance. You should be proud of such an amazing performance. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
She saw you through the Bubble and into the Money but is keeping you Grounded so you don't get to big for your boots and you Hat still fit's. ! :-)) vwd Hugs xxx
Ian Senior UTG raise Grant Pirie shoves big blind Senior CALLS Senior QQ Pirie KK Runs out 5-6-10-3-10 Ian Senior is out 8th winning £22,750 Posted by 3barrels
.......GRRRRRR !!!!,.....what ?.......KK's aren't meant to hold, we all know that they don't hold !....we're used to them not holding ! ......Seriously tho' very well played and you know someone very dear to you who will be so pleased and so very proud of you as we all are.......well played Ian.
Oh i forgot to say after all the well dones Ian, now you gotta get home and get registered for the DTD! Back to pottering about with us low stakes folk lol
Very well done, great achievement, must be a bit gutting to coming so close to winning over 200k and comin away with 20k but you cant complain lol Very well done sir
Hi everyone, its 2:45 am & just got back home (actually the earliest I have got home every night for thst 4 nights). Got to say for the first time I am shattered, I think it is all just call catching up with me.
To be honest I did play badly for the first hour today but then sat back & regrouped & worked out in my head wht I had done wrong, still had 1.2 million so it was a stack I could work with. Then I get AA & knew the guy to my left would raise big if I only flat called his BB, he shoved instantly which (by the way he had played & betted) meant he had a weak hand, so I double up and then reach 2.7million, all getting back together. Then when I get queens I try to isolate UTG (who has raised) with a big raise so I slide half a million chips into the middle, every one folds (as I planned) & UTG shoves, this is the same guy who put all his chips in last night on final table bubble with K8 offf, not to mention when he called my all in with 77 and hit 7 in river V my KK. He could have a higher pair but cannot fold with QQ, he turns over kings & I know I'm done & out I go. To be honest I don't think I played the exit hand wrong, it was just a cooler. Shame though as I had just got back in the zone & was playing better again.
No regrets at all though & not thinking about what I could have won.........after all I did final table on a UKIPT & I brought a very nice cheque home......I'll scan it & put it on a T-shirt before banking though.
Thanks again for all the fantastic support, you're messages do make a huge difference, to know everyone is beind you is difficult to put into words but its like .... awesome!!
Ian Senior UTG raise Grant Pirie shoves big blind Senior CALLS Senior QQ Pirie KK Runs out 5-6-10-3-10 Ian Senior is out 8th winning £22,750 Posted by 3barrels
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
congratz from me and rosie
......Seriously tho' very well played and you know someone very dear to you who will be so pleased and so very proud of you as we all are.......well played Ian.
How can the BB wake up with that )
Well chuffed for you, and a little bit JEL!
GG that man
Nice one on the hand where you limped AA and got shoved into
Experiance & Money in tha Bank...........
.........................for future challenges!
Well Done.
Great Result Ian Very Well Done
Prob one of my favourite days as being part of such an active, loyal genuine community.
You've done yourself proud sir. Wish you all the best.
I was willing you on and kept sneaking a look on web updates while at work.
Disappointed you didn't go further but you've got to play the hands you're dealt.