Evenin' all! Looking forward to tomorrow nights show as we get to pick the brains of the brilliant Stuart Rutter *who incase you didn't know has won a GUKPT title, final tabled a WSOP event and amassed almost 500,000 in tournament earnings! (he doesn't like to talk about it ;-)*
Our special guest is Phil Heald aka Phil the Tower whom many of you know from the Sky Poker Tours, Phil is a commentator by trade so the more hand ID's we have for him to commentate on the better! Throw us any you think might provide entertaining commentary and let's have some fun!
As always its YOUR show and we'd love to hear from you on the show topics below...
Before we get to them though and since the 'skypoker mixtape' has built so impressively in recent weeks I'd love to know: had you been a member of the November nine with personalised entrance music, which tune would you have chosen and why? (You may be aware poker pro Phil Collins gets serenaded with 'In The Air Tonight' but they're missing a trick there - surely 'Against All Odds' would be better?)
Here we go then!
From 8pm it's 'Ask The Expert' any questions you have this week for Stuart or Phil post away...
From 9pm 'Sky Poker School' will tackle the topic of 'getting married to your hand' we've all done it! we'll show the good the bad and the ugly of examples in a bid to wean ourselves off this nasty habit...
In Chatbox from 10pm Can you believe it's been a YEAR since Black Friday?, it's become one of those 'where were you when...' questions in poker so where YOU were when Black Friday happened?.
Finally from 11pm we'll have live action from the cash tables...
Oh and we'll be running a competition with the best post on this thread awarded free entry into Thursday nights Bounty Hunter! So whether you have a great idea for your entrance music, a fantastically entertaining hand ID for us to analyse or a shocking mucking a hand story, let us know!
GL on the tables, look forward to hearing from you...
Sarah xx
hello sarah,
can you ask stuart please....
"we know that you are as good as rosjim1 who, like you. reached the final table of a GUKPT but can you also claim to be as good as MacMonster who triumphantly made the final table of a UKIPT?"
have a good show.
ps. for the avoidance of any possible doubt, i think stuart is a superb analyst, player and professional.
Not wishing to derail the Show Thread, but I've read - literally - tens of thousands of Posts on scores of different poker fora, (& written a good few myself, though elsewhere, not here), about "Black Friday", but you have, in my personal opinion, hit the nail right on the head there.
I am in an awkward spot to comment, & I guess I am bound to be biased, & even though I began my Online poker on 'Stars, & always thought that it was a tremendous site, I work for Sky Poker.
Notwithstanding all those caveats, I think the PR backlash from Black Friday has been THE most ingenious, (or is it disingenuous?) thing ever, & quite how 'Stars came out of it with any credit, or smelling of roses, is quite beyond my understanding. I would not go so far as to say, as you did, "they broke the law", but I would state, as a fact, that numerous & serious - VERY serious - charges were levelled at them, & these have yet to reach court, or judgement. No way on God's earth will the Feds let go of this one, & nothing is more certain that judgement day will come in due course. I have had a fair amount of money in my 'Stars account since around 2002, but I removed it as soon as I was able, post Black Friday.
Many of us want to look the other way on this, because 'Stars is such an awesome, & huge, site. That does not alter the reality, though.
Sorry to derail the thread, but that Post jumped off the page, & is far & away "Post of the Week" for me.
PS - These views are my personal views.
Hi folks
Just saw the Phil Laak debacle on you tube. He really was completely unaware. I'd have loved to have seen the piece when he was actually told! Never mind that though, imagine the argument ensuing between TonyG and the other players over who had really won the side bet ($3k overwho had the winning hand). OMG there would have been fireworks!!!
Has Phil made a statement yet?
Whats the biggest error at the tables that each of you have made?
All the best
Steve aka profman15
If so send in your hand ID's to skyopen@bskyb.com or place them on this thread tonight!
Phil and Stuart will be commentating on the hand's you send in moments after they happen and giving you some great poker advice between 8pm and 9pm
Hi All,
1. Black Friday anniversaryThese are tonights Topics/ Subject on our Chat Box Show at 10pm.
Please post all your options and questions on this thread.
2. UKIPT Nottingham Gets There
3. Trickett 2million pot
4. Sky Poker Tour- Saturday 28th April in Cardiff
5. WPT Vienna.
6. Party Poker Premier League in Vienna
“Phil Laak makes a dreadful fold. The Pot was €63,750.
7. GUKPT £500 Deepstack Main Event
8. Viva Las Vegas
9. Sky Poker Channel : Updates
Can you ask him his opinion on re raising all in to a 3bet with 58o, just wondering as this is what he had when I arrived back to the table to find I was ai after I left him in charge of my hand in a sng
Have a great show people
As an affiliated member of Team Knight Poker (I gave him a cap at last year's Cardiff SPT) was Phil proud of his fellow team member doing so well on the Final Table of the GUKPT at Stockton at the w/end? (James Marriot)
Two hands from Master Cash 3 earlier, both quite similar in that in both instances, I flopped top pair, Jack kicker with a flush draw on the flop, both in position, called flop + turn in both, flush came on the river. Was wondering whether it's a mistake to be inconsistant in that I'm making a move in one instance and not the other here?
Dunno about me ever making the November 9 but one of your analyst
Carlo Citrone could be there being a poker professional.
So going on that theme. I think an ideal theme tune for him could
be either "fog on the tyne" because hes a geordie and could get some proper looks from the yanks
Another one could be Happy Days due to him always smiling and the tub of Brylcream he always
has on his head when he's on the show.
Enjoying the Show and learning a absolute ton of info from Stuart
Nigel Jones
In Phil and Stu's opinion, is Bet/folding this river correct?
Hand History #50728302
great show aa usual love watching 865,
no one mentions it but us players get free advice from the experts.
any other game/sport would pay loads for this tuition,
thanks to all presenters and anylists
thank you
If you are going to go out of a tourney...go out in style! I loved the flop......wanted to marry the turn.....then kill the river
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancechew07 Small blind 150.00 150.00 4630.00 martoni0 Big blind 300.00 450.00 9976.00 Your hole cards 10 A coolmark Raise 600.00 1050.00 8922.50 MAXALLY All-in 3775.00 4825.00 0.00 lerky Fold chew07 Fold martoni0 Fold coolmark Call 3175.00 8000.00 5747.50 coolmark Show K J MAXALLY Show 10 A Flop 10 10 Q Turn 10 River A coolmark Win Royal Flush 8000.00 13747.50
Leading up to Black Friday the profile of Poker was on a high'
TV coverage was getting better and better. It would be wrong not to acknowledge the part Full Tilt and Pokerstars played in bringing the game to a worldwide stage.
But now with their demise and confidence lost in some sites.
How do the team think the momentum can be taken forward to raise the profile of this wonderful game?
Can new sponsors be found to fund televised events? are Sky contemplating hosting an international live game?
What would Stuart and Phil like to see happen in 2012? and what controls should be put in place to prevent another Black Friday happening somewhere else?
To all the commentatiors / analysts - keep up the great work.