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Ok as some may know i am going through a bit of a tough time on here at the moment. I decided to sit down and grind 2 nl10 cash games tonight and play the 3 dtd tourneys. I actually played well in the MTT's got it in ahead and lost a few times but also got it in behind and won a few aswell. Made a small profit so the downswing on hold

I have searched my hand history only for losing hands over £2 in the last 6 hours there are 6 in total (Is that good/bad or average?? )
Here are a few
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceFudleySmall blind £0.05£0.05£14.77carty10Big blind £0.10£0.15£9.47garazmafiaSit out Your hole cardsQQ ThomasoFold dgw69Fold Batkin88Raise £0.30£0.45£8.57FudleyCall £0.25£0.70£14.52carty10Raise £0.60£1.30£8.87Batkin88All-in £8.57£9.87£0.00FudleyFold carty10Call £8.17£18.04£0.70carty10ShowA10 Batkin88ShowQQ Flop 695 Turn A River 5 carty10WinTwo Pairs, Aces and 5s£16.68 £17.382) I think i should fold turn or call river looking back
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewenelinhoSmall blind £0.05£0.05£9.25Bricktop01Big blind £0.10£0.15£12.57 Your hole cardsJK Batkin88Raise £0.30£0.45£22.55kingeckCall £0.30£0.75£6.09Curt360x27Fold jigstarCall £0.30£1.05£6.28wenelinhoFold Bricktop01Call £0.20£1.25£12.37Flop 8J4 Bricktop01Check Batkin88Bet £0.94£2.19£21.61kingeckCall £0.94£3.13£5.15jigstarFold <td class="hhamt" style="text-align:right !important;padding-bottom:7px;margin:0px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;font-family:verdana;color:#666666;font-size:0.9em;
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2. Yeah fold turn or call river, think I prefer to fold turn.
3. Maybe I'm too nitty but I think you can fold to the flop raise. When it gets checked back to you, there are very few hands that do that where you're ahead.
EDIT: Just saw your comment about the shove in hand 1 so yeah I guess that's fair enough. It's just standard, you were about 80% favourite giong in, you just got unlucky.
Why would i fold KJ pre here 6 max?? Surely if it's part of my range (which it is) I have to open with a raise?
If so, why?
The 7 brought in a straight draw, but nothing else. Did you fold because of the river card, or because of the size of the bet?
IMHO, if you call the turn, then you have to call the river too.
Worst case scenario, you lose the hand but your colleagues know that you cannot be pushed off top pair.
Because you had reads on the player i think the shove is fine, although might not have been if you were readless/against someone else.
kj is a fold pre tbh, i personally would not open a10o from utg, is a tough hand to play esp in EP vs stations that can call you IP, overall its not the most profitable hand to play either, no one cares about your range, and balancing you range is over-rated to some extent and its pretty much N/A at all micro levels imo.
2. Dont get what you are saying about KJ being in your range. Why is it in your range, also your range shouldnt be static. prob b/f turn, I'd be tempted to b/f
3. check back flop, as played fold to raise. wtf are you calling to fold turn blank
reads would help
Thanks all i have picked up some decent things here especially folding a street late on two hands so really going to work on that. I think the shove has to kinda be a shove or call with queens on the basis this bloke is calling me with 72 o/s here so didnt really fancy 3 betting letting him see flop then not getting full stack if he misses. I would not of played this way without reads so maybe not a good one for the clinic as it was kinda table dependent.