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Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post)

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
Aside from the levity in the thread title this is kind of a serious question.

I dont really care about chatbox bad manner or whatever, but what is the protocol for reporting it. Not sensitive at all but some of the stuff I've been hit with has been pretty brutal. Innaccurate (racial slurs, sexism (even though am actually male for the record)) albeit, but still feel like this shouldn't be allowed to go on.


  • edited April 2012
    Basically report anything like that to customer care giving them details of the offending player/railer and tournament/table details together with details of the offending comments, although I understand that all table chats are logged, and they will take it from there.  Sky take all cases like this very seriously.

  • edited April 2012
    If possible copy and paste the chat into an email.

    Email customer care (addresses and links at the bottom of the page) with the table name/tourney ID, date, time and transcript if you've got it with a brief explanations of what happened.
  • edited April 2012
    what could people actually say that would offend you? (i have asked myself that question, dont get how people get offended tbh), since they dont know who you are etc,.. see these po up regurlarly...
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    what could people actually say that would offend you? (i have asked myself that question, dont get how people get offended tbh), since they dont know who you are etc,.. see these po up regurlarly...
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    mr.donk you are a dork!!
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    what could people actually say that would offend you? (i have asked myself that question, dont get how people get offended tbh), since they dont know who you are etc,.. see these po up regurlarly...
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    Once a particularly objectionable toss pot typed in chat box - 'I hope you all die of cancer' after being KO'd from a tournament I was playing.  I found that quite offensive and duly reported it.  I hope that any decent human being would do the same.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post) : mr.donk you are a dork!!
    Posted by kb245
    whats that bloody customer service number :( lol
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post) : whats that bloody customer service number :( lol
    Posted by WHOAMI196
  • edited April 2012
    I put the occasional "Choo choo train arriving at the station"!!

    But seriuously regardless of racism and stuff like that it has to be reported it's cyber bullying!!! :o
  • edited April 2012

    WHOAMI196, There was a thread about players using offensive language a while ago and Tikay posted on it and made it quite clear that racist, homophobic comments and the use of words questioniing a players mental capabilities (especially a certain word that I think has been imported from America) was something that Sky would not tolerate.  It must be reported to save another person going through the same thing

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post) : Once a particularly objectionable toss pot typed in chat box - 'I hope you all die of cancer' after being KO'd from a tournament I was playing.  I found that quite offensive and duly reported it.  I hope that any decent human being would do the same.
    Posted by Slykllist
    I assume that's v-rare, and its sad that anyone could type it. Cancer is a sensitive subject for sure esp if its entered your life in any which way, never personally but can see how that sentence could offend tbh, but its not intended/directed to you/your loved one, just words right? these idiots have no idea who the hell you are, its more likely a drunk-tilted-idiot, peed from losing a hand or whatever, it should de-sensitize it a little, doesn't make it right i know but surely cant let these idiots get to you.

    I have no problem with reporting these issues btw, but there's no need a open a thread for every time it happens is there??.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post):
    WHOAMI196, There was a thread about players using offensive language a while ago and Tikay posted on it and made it quite clear that racist, homophobic comments and the use of words questioniing a players mental capabilities (especially a certain word that I think has been imported from America) was something that Sky would not tolerate.  It must be reported to save another person going through the same thing
    Posted by FlyingDagg
    yea i remember that vaguely, harsh, but I think sky could regulate this better if it happens a lot being a small site like adding a moderator button to get instant action!!! its prob on that long list of things to do, might see it in the next 10years lol, stars have this and the site is huuuge you can complain about someone's bad grammar lol.

     The worst i have typed is "idiot" "donk" "m*********** you called with A high" in the past and this is the usual stuff i see from players tbh, barely type anything these days though maybe ty, gg, ul etc and rarely take any notice of the jargon in the chat.

  • edited April 2012
    The problem with chat box abuse is although it may not bother me or you personally, think of other people who may have to put up with it in the future. 

    Some people take things to heart, so idle chat box threats to me or you may seem laughable. 

    To someone who has suffered a lifetime of unknown life issues it could be a major issue for them to deal with.

    Just report it to customer services using their Contact us page.

    I'm pretty sure either a copy of the chat log or just a hand id from the table where the abuse took place would be all they need.
  • edited April 2012
    it dosnt matter whether one person finds it offensive or not the point is some people do and why should you have to put up with abuse. Im very thick skined to it all and it dosnt offend me personaly. I just think there a bit simple and have no mannors or find there just attention seeking which is quite sad really. But i will report it as i dont like nasty people and if someone is nasty to me i wouldnt put up with it in real life or behind the mask of a chat box. Im not nasty to anyone whats the point, i may take the pisx quite often but in a lighthearted way, life is about being good to people and being nasty just brings the world down to the gutter and i dont wanna live in a world around nasty people so report them and get rid of it.
  • edited April 2012! 
    There's no need for it whatsoever. Get them banned for a while. I like to chat a bit but abusive and/or rude comments need to be stopped IMO. 
  • edited April 2012
    I dont care, doesn't offend me, just don't like racism.
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