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Okay so you probably all recognise me as being a very terrible player but normally I play on here just for fun

But this is just starting to feel ridiculous now; since I changed up my play style to be tighter and more aggressive in heads up it seems that I hit no hands and am
constantly being bulldozered by variance... any advice or tips here? My hands seem to be geared either suck me in or to play out very badly for the last few days.
Hand History #507721490 (22:18 18/04/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecoyne1234Small blind 30.0030.00610.00cyraxisBig blind 60.0090.00300.00 Your hole cardsAJ coyne1234Raise 90.00180.00520.00cyraxisAll-in 300.00480.000.00coyne1234Raise 480.00960.0040.00coyne1234Unmatched bet 240.00720.00280.00coyne1234Show9Q cyraxisShowAJ Flop 857 Turn A River 6 coyne1234WinStraight to the 9720.00 1000.00Hand History #507708961 (21:59 18/04/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAlphaSharkSmall blind 20.0020.00210.00cyraxisBig blind 40.0060.00730.00 Your hole cardsKA AlphaSharkAll-in 210.00270.000.00cyraxisCall 190.00460.00540.00AlphaSharkShow3A cyraxisShowKA Flop 583 Turn 5 River 10 AlphaSharkWinTwo Pairs, 5s and 3s460.00 460.00Hand History #507699418 (21:44 18/04/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecyraxisSmall blind 10.0010.00460.00snodgrass1Big blind 20.0030.00510.00 Your hole cardsQQ cyraxisRaise 30.0060.00430.00snodgrass1Call 20.0080.00490.00Flop 492 snodgrass1Bet 40.00120.00450.00<td style="padding:7px 5px;margin:0px;color:#666666;font-weight:normal;vertical-a
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Yeah step they are hypers, however it just seems to be the same over the board. I don't mind losing at all it's just the way in which it happens and the fact that even look through most the above, if I didn't go all in before the flop then I would have done at the flop... also I'm being thrown terrible cards and so have to goon pretty much.
Anyway on to round 7801 I guess!