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Now for a completely DIFFERENT sort of Trial......
We have seen threads today about......
Shuffly-Wuffly HeadsUp
Well tonight, there is ANOTHER Trial........
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8.30pm tonight, on, there is a "Viva Las Vegas".....
And what is
about it?
Well, it is £11 to enter (£10 + £1), & carries GUARANTEED Prize Value of £2,300.
The £2,300 is made up of...
One x £1,100 Viva Las Vegas Final Seat. GUARANTEED
5 x £240 Viva Las Vegas Semi-final seats.
But be careful, because it is CAPPED @ 230 runners.
Once 230 runners are entered, as the mini-onion salesman said, "thatshallot".
My advice? Don't tell your friends, don't tell a SOUL.
No matter how few runners enter, the £2,300 is Guaranteed.
And ONLY 230 runners can enter.
edit: tikay beat me to it. none of those posts where there i swear.
Where, what, when, why, how?
Where? -
What? - VLV Super-Satellite
When? - 8.30pm tonight
Why? - Don't ask, just get in.
How? - Go to the Lobby, & click the "Viva Las Vegas" tab.
18 runners so far.
Help, I promised the suits this would fillllllllllllllll
This starts at 8.30pm tonight.
What? I beg your pardon?
I said -
this starts at 8.30pm tonight!
Can you hear me?
Stand till & look me in the eyes.
Only 70 runners so far, with room for 220 total?
You're having a laugh.
This is your own fault. I'm off to Twitter-Ville.
You STILL can't hear me?
If the thing is repeated, on another night, I'll let you know.
I don't see it being repeated unless we can get 230 runners though.
See what I did there?
84 runners now.
I need another 150!
STIGERER OWN (anagram)
[QUOTE]tiger owners!
Posted by sick_swans
115, half way there.
Now for the hard half.
Buy now, whilst stocks last.
This offer is UNREPEATABLE. *
* - Unless this one maxes out @ 230.
5 minutes to go, only 140 runners.
Insane value!
Only 156 runners for this, I promised the suits 230.
But never mind - good luck to all those in it - hope you go all the way - to Vegas.
Vegas for £11? The world's gone mad.
Still, £11 was great value. Thanks for trying this.
I'm doomed. Doooooomed I tell ya.
These guys are not, though - the Top Ten, with 68 remaining.
SIX prizes are up for grabs, being 5 x £240 Semi Final Seats, & ONE x £1,100 VLV Final Seat.
28 remain, a few familiar faces going along nicely here, with Forum regular "WhoaMI196" tucked in nicely just behind them
17 left, & here comes Coxy! Samantha is hanging in, as is sara36dd. WHOAMI196 is cruising now, on the bridle.