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Delay before dealing the Killer River Card
I'm not sure if this is an Area 51 or Feature requests post - we'll see where it goes.
We've all seen the pause that occurs before a doom card for our hand is dealt out on the river, enough Area51 posts mention it.
Despite being a confirmed conspiracy theorist even I can see that the notion that the 'system' is taking a second or two to sort the killer card out is ridiculous - this could be done in microseconds.
No I think Sky have added the delay in these spots as a 'feature' to increase the excitment of the river card reveal. What they should do is also add a drum roll sound too! Being two outered on the river would become a much more pleasant experience, you and the villain could both laugh as he chatboxes ty.
Oops looks like this turned into a request.
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that drumroll could be the que to jus hit the switch off button and head to the pub before the river lands, could easily see many laptops and pcs saved
Congrats for being the first person to slip quantum theary into a poker forum i for one think there should be more : )