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*****Tuesday night live with Champion, Citrone and half the Hendon mob! Special guests Barny and Ros
Questions for Ross and Barney
Did they have any idea that late night poker would transform the world of poker in the way that it did?
Was the transition to online poker smooth or hard to come to terms with?
Do they still play live against the likes of Jacarama?
What skills do they admire about each others play?
What are the chances of a televised Cash Game with some of the UK's old school and a special invitation for Tikay?
Having been there seen it and done it! What aspect of poker gives them the biggest rush and what ambitions have they yet to achieve?
I have absolutely no doubts this show will be TV Gold looking forward to it immensely!
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Evenin' all!
We're delighted to be joined by the Boatman brothers for Tuesday’s live show, Barny 'the humour' Boatman master of the quip and outrageous bluff and Ross 'the glamour' Boatman known for his impressive acting career. The boys are amongst Pokers greatest ambassadors and will have top tips by the boat load *see what I did there* so let's have your questions and contributions to make the most of the mob!
Best contribution/question for the Boatman’s will receive free entry into the 5K Open on Tuesday 1st May.
Oh and here's a fact for your fact pipe, only one of the Hendon mob is actually FROM Hendon so what nicknames have you known stick? Could be your poker alias could be a nickname for a mate that they've had YEARS 'Gorgeous George' 'Chinese Alan' let us know!
Here's the rundown for Tuesday nights Pokertainment!
7pm Tonight on Sky Poker: Including live cash action from the Master Cash tables
8pm Ask the Expert: The Boatman’s hour! Ask away with the added incentive of free entry into the SPT Cardiff semi for best question or contribution. We'll analyse any hand from the TV tables just send us the hand Id
9pm Sky Poker School: Focussing on check/raising in Cash and MTTs’
10pm Chat Box: We'll be talking EPT Berlin, UKIPT Nottingham and Mike Sexton calling out fellow poker pros on lack of professionalism, in particular their dress sense! Do you agree? Would it bother you to watch a televised final table with all the players in flip flops and shorts!? INCENTIVE ALERT: Best contribution to the chat box topics receive free entry into Thursday’s 12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
11pm Master Cash: Live action from the Master Cash tables
That's all for now folks! See you live from 7 wishing you good luck and good cards in the meantime...
Sarah xx
Looking FINE today Sarah
Although ive only been playing poker for about a month i have watched it for years and it all started (like so many other players) with late night poker.
Can i ask the guys "now that they are the grandads of the game
Also: If you got to the final table of the wsop and had to play 1 member of the hendon mob HU for the bracelet which one would you least like to play (because of the way they play the game).
Also: In all the years they have played poker if they had to pick 1 person they have played against who they wouldnt be in a rush to play against in future who would it be and why ?
Question for Carlo: Did you get a pay rise from sky for being able to get the guys on the show tonight ? and if not you should have ( MAJOR SCOOP mate )
Have a great show guys and please dont be strangers from 865
i am looking forward to seeing the great Ross and Barny as guests tonight. big congratulations to whoever managed to arrange this.
as brothers, my question is about claims of collusion. has anyone accused you of colluding? how did you respond?
have a good show.
Standard question from Sky Poker - any funny stories about Tikay?
Sky are getting some great Analysts on this year and two for the price of one tonight.? lol :-))
My question for the Boys is; Are Great Poker players born or made.?
Annie xx
In Response to Re: *****Tuesday night live with Champion, Citrone and half the Hendon mob! Special guests Barny and Ross Boatman*****: that is a really top class question looking forward to reply
Would you get more tells/reads?
Have a good show folks?
For Carlo...when is the poached egg bet happening? We want it filmed!!! !)k for Great Ormond street isn't it? My and others appreciation to you, i'm sure. Good luck Carlo!!
What football teams does everyone support and to what degree? Chelsea? Hope not as they'll be watching it on ipads instead of concentrating!!
Funniest happening at a live tournament?
Best player you've actually played against/with in your opinions?
As a new player of less than 1 year, what piece of advice would you give to improving my play. I'm playing lowish level DYM's and MTT's. Should trying different variations/plo/hu/cash help or concentrate on the basics for a foundation be my aim?
Hope these q's help
All the best
As respected old school professionals with proven track records playing at the highest levels.
How do Ross and Barney feel the Professionals linked to the Full Tilt aquitted themselves?
What do they think should been done at the time to improve the situation?
If Full Tilt resurrects from the ashes would they personally have any reservations about playing Full Tilt sponsored events?
Have the professionals from Full Tilt gone down in the Boatmans estimation? and would they think twice about playing them in a cash game?
Finally what are there thoughts on the man linked to the proposed take over?
I think my wording could be a lot better and i'm sure parts are too sensitive to answer !
Sarah please work your magic!!
Noticed that Carlo is as white as his teeth 2night. Where has all the colour gone.
What was he eating whilst he was in Malta.
Carlo talking about people got dressing probably and here is he turning up not
glowing like a beacon!!!! Think his standards has slipped Sarah, shouldn't he making
a proper effort tonight as we have poker royality on the show tonight.
Also views regarding all this business regarding Pokerstars would be interested.
1. EPT Berlin:
2. UKIPT Nottingham
3. WPT National Marbella
4. SPT Cardiff
This Saturday 28th April @ Les Croupier Cardiff
5. DTD Grand Prix VI
6. Mike Sexton calls out fellow pros
7. Viva Las Vegas Final
This Sunday 29this the April final for VLV
You asked earlier if i could tell you how my first month of poker has gone so here it is :
Been playing now for exactly 26 days and although i am not setting the world on fire i am showing a small profit at cash games and tournaments.
Up to playing 6-7 tables at a time when the mood suits me but find it alot easier playing 3 on average.
Last night i came 12/406 in the main and 27/532 in the mini so for a short time visions of the sky poker jackpot were flashing infront of my eyes
Still learning alot everytime i sit at a table and finding that notes are a massive advantage to have on players because whichever way a player plays a hand one day 99% of the time they will play it that way the next.
Ive said it before but i will say it again " a big thankyou to all the guys at 865 for all the very good and free advice i have picked up over the last year or so and especially to Carlo who always advocates if you flop a big hand BET IT and i can tell you from my experiance so far this works.
Have a great show guys.
It feels like ages since I've seen a live show of 865 so I thought I'd pop in tonight. Here's all my stuff in reply to the OP....
Boatman Question
I assume over the years you must have played some HU with each other, if only for fun... does one of you have an edge over the other? Do you think it would be pretty much break even over a decent sample size?
I know back when you started the learning materials would have been nothing compared to today's standards... is there a particular person who mentored you or a particular book/learning source that really helped you get started or was it just a long, hard, expensive learning process?
Poker School
Obviously check-raising is a show of massive strength, so you want to balance your range by doing it some times when you don't have a complete monster. Will you check-raise any hand that you would be willing to bet out with to completely balance things, and not just be doing it with flush draws etc?
Chat Box
I think dressing smart does add a certain class to the game and does remind me of how it used to be in the old days before everyone had hoodies and headphones, but I don't think you can really stand in the way of people dressing a bit more comfortably, especially considering the length of time you could be at the FT.
See you both at Cardiff
My question for the Boatmens is, When was the last time they sat down in the first level of a big tournemant, looked at the player on your left and thought, oh no I'm in trouble here and if so who was it?
For Mike Sextants rant. I love it! If I was ever lucky enough to share a table with him I would take 5 mins to find the most outragous piece of fancy dress I could and wear it and keep talking to him. That should tilt him nicely and give me a slight edge!
A hand from tonights main.
Should i be checking river here after being called twice and just give up on the chips i have put in so far ?
Hand id: 510325591
Question for Barney. You once starred in a show called 'Barney's Home Games.' Was there any journey or location you were sent to that made you question whether you wanted to continue to employ your agent?