Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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Poker clinic closed due of out break of M.R.S.A.
Sorry folks but to further notice the poker clinic will be closed due to a out break of M.R.S.A [moans,rants,swearing and arguements] We can only deal with hands [till further notice ]that have been disinfected . Big pairs ,small pairs etc will now will be [for the time being]be dealt with by brag ,beats and variance. Sorry for this inconvienence. lol.
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Must Remark Sorry Annie.[think your right]
do they supply st8 flush jackets at the clinic for the poker insane
I'm thinking of putting in a Offer to buy Area 51 but I don't want any sitting Tenants. Could you pop back to the Clinic, don't want you to go back to spars. Hugs xx just till contracts are exchanged.?
Is that spars on sunday ?