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hi everyone, i have recently discovered getting staked and im suprised i havnt heard more discuss it on the forum as i would think it would be ideal for most poker players. Are any of you staked? and could you explain more about it im abit confussed, thanks
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u have to share your profit with your backer ! and can end up in make up for long time if things go bad
i have never been staked, wouldnt do it (easy to build a roll from micros up) but i do stake a guy for live cash games, he has to give me 1/2 any winnings evry time he plays and cover 1/2 of any losses ,hes a winning player so it works for both of us, his problem is he is degenerate gambler he will (if allowed )spew thousands on roulette so he never keeps abank roll allways spews it away ,its very sad
another of my friends stakes a poker dealer ,now this deal is really good for the player he has no make up
ie doesnt have to cover any losses but has to give 60percent of all winning s and stake back each time he plays this is as good as it gets for a player
being staked only works for degens that cant work bankroll control
bankroll control /non tilt /emotional control are all so important in this game
work on these things and stake yourself , rakes gettin bigger ,edges are small no space for sharin any profit thats left