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Not able to see hole cards!

edited April 2012 in Poker Chat
I had a situation last night during the £500 Bh, where I was not able to see my hole cards to have an option of betting.
Has any body else experienced this problem.
I have had it before, but have not mentioned it!
I have reported this to Sky by e-mail.


  • edited April 2012
    No, but I have had the problem live before, after 20 pints of cider...

    Nice to see u at the wkd again Wynne
  • edited April 2012
    Yes this happened to me a few days ago. This was the first time this has  happened to me on SKY and i have noticed now 2 posts in as many days saying the same thing which suggests it is a recent problem.
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Wynne

    I had the problem a couple of times. If you just close the table and open it again it usually solves the problem. Some times I have to close Sky Poker too and then reopen.

    Great to see you at Cardiff this weekend

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Not able to see hole cards!:
    No, but I have had the problem live before, after 20 pints of cider... Nice to see u at the wkd again Wynne
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Nice to meet you again and have a chat!
    Congratulations on your 3rd place final table finish at SPT Cardiff!
    Though I must say I was not very pleased with you taking out our THS Captain Dave Harvey (Hitman_RV) on the final table.I witnessed this at the time it took place and now you will be the target of all THS members to get their revenge!
    Only joking greg , I know you are a great player and can take a bad beat , as I am witness to that as well!
    Good luck Greg, until we meet again at the next poker table!
    Well done once again!
    You were only beaten by some of the best(Good Bragg! though.)
  • edited April 2012
    Yes this has happened to me twice last week when playing dyms sky really need to sort this out as it is a recurring problem
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Not able to see hole cards!:
    Hi Wynne I had the problem a couple of times. If you just close the table and open it again it usually solves the problem. Some times I have to close Sky Poker too and then reopen. Great to see you at Cardiff this weekend Cheers
    Posted by MacMonster
    It was great to talk to you again!
    Till the next ime, keep on running golden!
  • edited April 2012
    In standard view?Try switching to mini & back again.
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks for all your comments, you have only got to see your hand history to confirm that your hole cards did not show face up!
    Several replies to my e-mail from sky,more or less saying it is nothing to do with sky!

  • edited April 2012
    ive had this several times recently. usually staight after a table move. Mini view and back does no solve the issue.
  • edited April 2012
    ive had it a few times, but i see it as  a challange :-). i heard a pro (cant think which one ) played a 10 seater sng and won it without looking at his cards once, just playing position.
  • edited April 2012

     That was Anette Oberstand, put tape on her monito to hide cards. Think we should all try that.
  • edited April 2012

      happerned to me a few times in £110 bounty hunter

      and twice in primo last night

      had to shut tables and reopen them

      usually miss a cpl off hands

      does need sorting

      also should ask why some lobbys wont open
  • edited April 2012
    the way im playing at mo, you think i was!!!!
  • edited April 2012
    Ive had it a few times where I have 8 tables open and all of a sudden once of the tables buttons just stop working. Im clicking Raise but nothing happens.
    Happened to me once when I had AA utg. Nothing would work and I just had to watch myself folding aces.
    Had to leave the table and of course someone else took my seat.

    All other tables work fine, always just one that breaks.
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