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spt cardiff - where do i begin? after the heartache last year of qualifing and then not being able to get time off work, i was looking forward to today.
things started well and was over double the average by the break... the only name i recognised on my opening table was nicky piper. i fished a few hands with him in, just because i wanted to tweet "i just ko'd nicky piper lol!!
as people got ko'd a few regular names came and went from the table.. met bromley04, andrew1947 and solack (all top blokes)
a few big hands later i found myself over three times the the average with 30 left, then all of a sudden i went card dead for about an hour or so and found myself short stack on the cash bubble.. managed to hold on to min cash 340 quid...and to top that get initiated by rv into team "hitsquad"
just like to say thanks sky for a great day/night
had to admit i was a but dissapointed when spt wales was moved from my local in swansea, but after playing today in cardiff i can see why it was done.. great venue.. see you all in notts (hopefully)
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Great to finally present you with your Squaddie Colours, long overdue!!
Great day + 1!!!
Cya soon, Run Golden
player alias notes
1 Colin Napier CTBN 4080
2 Jen Mason Djinnrummy 2610
3 Greg Howell GregHogg 1955
4 mark Hillier desmondduce 1510
5 Lee Strange Strangey 1060
6 Stefan Radusin stefros 855
7 Simon Massey BigMas6304 695
8 David Harvey Hitman_RV 570
9 Philip Evans Luckylad13 450
10 Paul Barber Barbie59 390
11 Adam Bromley Bromley04 390
12 Paul Lambert Lambert180 375
13 Mike Hudson Mike1975 340
14 Dylan Herbert TheBurger1 340
15 Darren Davies Bigflop1 340
16 Darren Stanley solidstan1 340
and Hitman, I suppose!
hoggers, 88.....interesting!
Twas CTBN that knocked me out in 12th, when I jammed A6s on the button (was folded to me) and he picked up KK in the BB
The shortstack had 4bbs. colin had alot of bbs. Colin is very agressive.
Some would argue its a no-brainer snap fold. Others, like me, are prepared to gamble for the bigger money. Although, in hindsight it might have been better for me to fold the 88 and get it in first (i.e wait for a better spot)
Interesting = Interesting
Not Interesting = Bad!
It was an interesting spot
How many bb did you have if you folded there?
I think the key factor was whether you had a stack that could bother the other two if you shoved in later spots or whether you didn't have much fold equity
Without much folding vig I think I call with 88 too
If I think I can shove first into mspots and only get called by top 25% hands for a while, then wait it out
Still a very nice cash!
I have had feedback from other players that they thought the 88 was a v. bad call. This is why i thought you might have used interesting in this way also. sry!
If I fold, i have c. 10 bbs. Which assuming the shorty is busted by Colin is just enough to worry them i think 3 handed. But as Jen and Colin are both very agressive, i could easily have become mincemeat.
Dohhhhhhh, It is possible i misjudged Colin's Iso range in this spot because i didnt check the depth of his stack properly. (my mistake) With Jen behind with lots of chips his range could be stronger than i had assigned. But tbh i have never been in a spot like this before (live FT, stream, decent money) I should have taken longer on the decision.
On balance, i am veering towards fold but i am still not sure!, like i say no regrets anyhow! Its all good experience.
Well done all the cashers esp pleased for Colin n Greg
Tempusfuge kept trying to convince me he was older than 24... I wasn't buying it
Sarah looked depressed lol
Felt realy bad on the Sunday after having 32 hours without any sleep
You are right to say that the pot between me and you was the one worth winning, i only had just over 10 bbs so this is why i called. (the money jumps from 4th to 2nd was not as big as the jump from 2nd to 1st, and i wanted to put my self in a chance of winning the 4k. I was not afraid to exit in 4th and if you have AK, which is what i was half expecting, i have a big flip for some chips. In hindsight folding would have been better, but the call felt right at the time.