i cant stand tony g and i love phill helmuth but on this ocassion i dont think theres anything wrong what toni g did here. You cant make a decision cos a player says he hasnt looked at his cards poker players are always bluffing so why wouldnt he tell a fib. He was using it as a stratagy which i think was quite cleaver thats why you should always look at people when they have been dealt there cards in live cos you can get so many reads just from that. So Phill should have been paying attention and im surprised no one else noticed considering there all pros. Really wanted to see if he made the call and won or lost though is there a vid to the outcome?
lol you should retire at the end bit. To be honest tony g i an utter ti t and hes so horrible. But he said what i did and he should of seen whether he looked at his cards or not! poker is about making your opponent believe you are weeker than them to get the call. He fell for it so its phills own fault. It makes good tv though when these to go against each other, there prob good friends off the table though so its all just a show.
I love tony G to be honest. Without people like him some of the TV shows would be boring. He only tends to do it to Phil because firstly phil tilts like crazy and donks off his cash constantly. I watched all the big game shows and I think phil donked off about $400,000+ overall, and mostly with bad calls, though some with some pretty sick luck. Think he ran one hand like four times when he was sick faavourite against a loose cannon and the cannon won them all I think from memory (maybe 3 to 4).
That said, he hates phil mostly cus of phils ego still liking to think he is best player in the world, and he just isn't anymore, and definately not at cash game. And he refuses to believe he has anything to learn off the new generation even desite getting royally owned by them often. So that is the second reason Tony likes to needle him. They had at least two shows with them both on, and tony gets worse the more vodka he has drunk. hehe
The play was definately not good ettiquete, but its phils own fault for raising a pot sized bet and then not paying attention to the following players. Though tony did a neat trick to ask him if he had looked and phil for some reason felt he had to look at his cards again giving tony chance to quickly look at his.. so really while its not "the done thing" its mostly phil fault for not having his focus where it should be.
Yes, i love this programme. Its on channel five i think, at about midnight. I agree with Dazler. people look for ways to put others in poor mental frames. look at Jennifer Tilly with a low cut top on......would maybe lose my concentration for my hand!! Poker does need characters though Tony G does go too far at times but then its nice to see him get his come uppence now and again just like its fun to see Phil tilt. They get paid appearance money so make a show of it. We don't really want everyone just playing 123 "nice hand" poker, do we? Players look for edges and in live play persona is crucial. They all have to pay attention to their table image. That's Tony's and good luck to him. I know i've watched more of his and Phil's videos on youtube than any others probably. its what helps to make professional poker exciting....getting a feel, from looking outside, at how they play with other opponents minds. Its not bad etiquette. saying you are checking in the dark post flop then having a quick 'shufty' would be that and completely out of order. I think its up to the players to monitor their opponents actions. And yes, i along with other, wanted Phil to crash against the rocks for his reaction. Its funny as he must be a great player but who actually thinks that Phil is susceptible to poor play in cash game? I see him in these progs and ,at times, he looks naive to me....andi'm the novice!!! Ty though...a fun clip. Wath the Tony G ones if you get chance...
Yeah think it is on channel five, though i watched all the episodes on pokerstars.tv webpage. Shame they are stopping it after two series as the loose cannon format was fun, and made for some interesting poker at times. Some of the loose cannons were horrible players, but 2 or 3 of them were very good, and actually ending up schooling the pros. One of them bombed them big time (italian guy) by pulling some big moves considering the stakes he was playing with and no way to reload if it all ended in tears.
i cant stand tony g and i love phill helmuth but on this ocassion i dont think theres anything wrong what toni g did here. You cant make a decision cos a player says he hasnt looked at his cards poker players are always bluffing so why wouldnt he tell a fib. He was using it as a stratagy which i think was quite cleaver thats why you should always look at people when they have been dealt there cards in live cos you can get so many reads just from that. So Phill should have been paying attention and im surprised no one else noticed considering there all pros. Really wanted to see if he made the call and won or lost though is there a vid to the outcome? Posted by Dazler
Yes, i love this programme. Its on channel five i think, at about midnight. I agree with Dazler. people look for ways to put others in poor mental frames. look at Jennifer Tilly with a low cut top on......would maybe lose my concentration for my hand!! Poker does need characters though Tony G does go too far at times but then its nice to see him get his come uppence now and again just like its fun to see Phil tilt. They get paid appearance money so make a show of it. We don't really want everyone just playing 123 "nice hand" poker, do we? Players look for edges and in live play persona is crucial. They all have to pay attention to their table image. That's Tony's and good luck to him. I know i've watched more of his and Phil's videos on youtube than any others probably. its what helps to make professional poker exciting....getting a feel, from looking outside, at how they play with other opponents minds. Its not bad etiquette. saying you are checking in the dark post flop then having a quick 'shufty' would be that and completely out of order. I think its up to the players to monitor their opponents actions. And yes, i along with other, wanted Phil to crash against the rocks for his reaction. Its funny as he must be a great player but who actually thinks that Phil is susceptible to poor play in cash game? I see him in these progs and ,at times, he looks naive to me....andi'm the novice!!! Ty though...a fun clip. Wath the Tony G ones if you get chance... Posted by profman15
PH is a very average pro cash player for the stakes he plays - he's not in the same class as Tony G, neva mind Ivey, Antonius, Dwan etc.
+1 hellmuth is a poor cash player any reg on sky would beat him easy yeah not in same leadue as dwan ivey and antonius and kam he lost over 600k lol he lost on 1st hand of the nite 71 k against tony g was a awfull call by hellmuth he had nothing as it was tony g getting in hes head is why he called
In Response to Re: from the big game last year i dont like phil hellmuth but is this wrong what tony g i think its bad play myself thoughts please : You've def got this the wrong way round. Bring more Russians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW1YOluDM3M&feature=related Posted by JingleMa
wow that just sums him up hes a vile person. Im surprised he hasnt been kicked in the teeth by someone yet fair play to the russian for keeping his cool
i cant stand tony g and i love phill helmuth but on this ocassion i dont think theres anything wrong what toni g did here. You cant make a decision cos a player says he hasnt looked at his cards poker players are always bluffing so why wouldnt he tell a fib. He was using it as a stratagy which i think was quite cleaver thats why you should always look at people when they have been dealt there cards in live cos you can get so many reads just from that. So Phill should have been paying attention and im surprised no one else noticed considering there all pros. Really wanted to see if he made the call and won or lost though is there a vid to the outcome?
That said, he hates phil mostly cus of phils ego still liking to think he is best player in the world, and he just isn't anymore, and definately not at cash game. And he refuses to believe he has anything to learn off the new generation even desite getting royally owned by them often. So that is the second reason Tony likes to needle him. They had at least two shows with them both on, and tony gets worse the more vodka he has drunk. hehe
The play was definately not good ettiquete, but its phils own fault for raising a pot sized bet and then not paying attention to the following players. Though tony did a neat trick to ask him if he had looked and phil for some reason felt he had to look at his cards again giving tony chance to quickly look at his.. so really while its not "the done thing" its mostly phil fault for not having his focus where it should be.
I agree with Dazler. people look for ways to put others in poor mental frames. look at Jennifer Tilly with a low cut top on......would maybe lose my concentration for my hand!! Poker does need characters though Tony G does go too far at times but then its nice to see him get his come uppence now and again just like its fun to see Phil tilt. They get paid appearance money so make a show of it. We don't really want everyone just playing 123 "nice hand" poker, do we?
Players look for edges and in live play persona is crucial. They all have to pay attention to their table image. That's Tony's and good luck to him. I know i've watched more of his and Phil's videos on youtube than any others probably. its what helps to make professional poker exciting....getting a feel, from looking outside, at how they play with other opponents minds.
Its not bad etiquette. saying you are checking in the dark post flop then having a quick 'shufty' would be that and completely out of order. I think its up to the players to monitor their opponents actions. And yes, i along with other, wanted Phil to crash against the rocks for his reaction.
Its funny as he must be a great player but who actually thinks that Phil is susceptible to poor play in cash game? I see him in these progs and ,at times, he looks naive to me....andi'm the novice!!! Ty though...a fun clip. Wath the Tony G ones if you get chance...
Bring more Russians.
PH is a very average pro cash player for the stakes he plays - he's not in the same class as Tony G, neva mind Ivey, Antonius, Dwan etc.