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Last 12 of £250 gtd. Is this a p ussy fold? If I lost the flip it would have left me as the shorty.
I just ran 66 into AA Blind vs Blind, trying to push back against table bully and busted out btw.

I'd appreciate some advice as i usually run pretty deep (and sometimes cash or even take the odd one down) but often find myself in poor shape on the last couple of tables and having to get busy with not much.
Hand History #513190735 (22:31 30/04/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancealexmac194Small blind 75.0075.005065.00Vic85Big blind 150.00225.008072.50 Your hole cardsAK DinnerzCall 150.00375.002460.00millstoneFold ian1966Fold Prop60Raise 450.00825.007206.25alexmac194Call 375.001200.004690.00Vic85Fold DinnerzCall 300.001500.002160.00Flop 873 alexmac194Check DinnerzCheck Prop60Bet 600.002100.006606.25alexmac194All-in 4690.006790.000.00DinnerzFold Prop60Fold alexmac194Muck alexmac194Win 2700.00 2700.00alexmac194Return 4090.000.006790.00
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I was pretty sure i'd done the right thing but a little voice was saying he's semi-bluffing and maybe i should take a flip here because "you should play aggressive near the bubble".
As it happens I didn't get much further but at least i had some chips left to make a stand rather than being forced all in.