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DYM Advice please

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat

Hi Guys and Gals,

New to the site and game.Just looking for advice about DYM's.At the moment I'm playing a mixture between £1 £2 and £3 games.A kind member on the forums checked my sharkscope stats for this game and said I was doing really well at them.

Q1 Should I be playing at one level at a time ?
Q2 Is there much difference in play when you go up a level say the £5 buy ins?
Q3 As I have only played 100 of these games how many do you think it takes to do well at them and stops being beginners luck?

Any help or advice will be gratefully accepted.



  • edited April 2012
    hi pat,
    q1,up 2 u
    i used 2 play £1.15 & £2.25 at the same time
    then moved up 2 £2.25 & £3.30 when b/roll went over £300
    (100 £3 buy-ins)
    i never played £5 level
    as i now play cash
    but from what other players have said,
    not a big diference.
    from games i have observed though
    more players playing tighter and not as many going out early
    like the lower levels,
    therefore more flips come into play later on...imo.
    i would say u need to be well rolled as a poss losing session
    could hurt you.
    i once lost £41 playing £3.30 so it can happen.
    if u r winning after playing 100 games....
    then it shows u must be doing most things right.
    if u r still winning after 500 games you,ll be ok.
    have you read john connor,s "abc of dym,s"?
    very good advice there.
    think you will find it somewhere under general poker chat.
    besy wishes mate,
    and run good

    looks like others agree with the jc post.!!!
  • edited April 2012
    Hi Pat, welcome.

    I saw your stats on the other thread and they were indeed very impressive, keep up the good work. Here are my thoughts on the questions you asked:

    Q1) Ideally, probably yes. Especially at the lower stakes where there is a lot of liquidity in the games and you don't have to mix stakes. Playing one level at a time is good for bankroll management, progression planning and also dealing with subtle nuances in the standard of play. That being said, in all fairness, it will probably cause you no problem at all to mix stakes, if that's what you want to do. I can't see the standard of play varying that much at those levels.

    Q2) In short, yes. I did a thread a while back about building from £0.55 (I think!) to £33 DYMs. I will try and find it and bump it for your attention, in case it helps. (I also did a blog on basic strategy in the blogs section if you're interested.) Anyway, there are some noticable differences when moving up the levels but not that many at the early levels. I think the £1-3s all play pretty similarly. I think you would start to notice a difference in the £5s, especially if you were playing during the day, when a few regs will start to appear. The £11s are really reg infested now during the day. If you can play evenings and weekends instead, the games (especially £5.50 and £11s) tend to be much softer. Practically speaking, probably the best way of judging the standard of play before entering a game (other than getting some table finding tool from SS or something) is to simply open up a few lobbies and use the "Find a Player" tool to see who is multi-tabling, they will be decent enough. Also use your free 5 searches on SS everyday and enter notes on the most regular players.

    Q3) Ok, I don't think beginner's luck exists or is widely recognised in poker but I sense that that's not what you mean in any case. If I'm right, what you're really asking is how many games before you get a reliable picture of how you're doing? In that case, I think the figure usually given by hardcore sit and go pro's is 10,000 games. That's a touch unrealistic for most, I think, and 1,000 games should give you a fairly reliable idea. Put very simply, the more, the better.

    Take care and hopefully run into you on the tables soon,

    EDIT: as I was typing, the blog I wrote has very helpfully being linked above, thanks for that guys :-)
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks Guys,

    My first day on the forum I read John Connors blog.It is really good advice and have been playing as close as I can to his advice.Its a great read and has helped me loads.I think for the time being I will stick to the £2  games as I wouldn't have the bankroll to take much of a downswing at the higher levels.At the moment at these levels im winning about 65% .Will keep doing these till I have played maybe 200 games and see where I am then.


  • edited April 2012
    hi jc,
    good advice as always.

    just wanted to let you know...
    i,ve not been playing dym,s for the past 6 weeks or so
    as i joined another site,only after browsing one day,
    and have found that i can win playing their cash tables.

    deposited £19.xx($30),received $18 free
    now up to $274.69
    not been playing that much either,
    so very happy days atm.

    may come back and play dym,s again at some point,
    but not in any

    hope you are still winning,
    i,m sure you are.

    best wishes
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks a million John,

    Your blog has been a great help.I have a quick read of it most days before I start playing just to keep all the ideas fresh im my head.As I'm only starting I will stick to the £2 level.Question 3 was about the amount of games you need to play before you can level up as Im starting out will need to play a lot more games.I haven't had much of a downswing yet and was worrried bout moving up so soon after starting.I only have a small bankroll so the £2 level is managable for the time being.I have already replied to the earlier posts saying I would maybe level up after 200 but maybe 500 or 1000 is the way to go.

    Thanks very much for your reply.

  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    hi jc, good advice as always. just wanted to let you know... i,ve not been playing dym,s for the past 6 weeks or so as i joined another site,only after browsing one day, and have found that i can win playing their cash tables. deposited £19.xx($30),received $18 free now up to $274.69 not been playing that much either, so very happy days atm. may come back and play dym,s again at some point, but not in any hope you are still winning, i,m sure you are. best wishes :-) devon
    Posted by devonfish5
    Hi devon,

    That's great news mate, I don't blame you for playing there with those figures :-). I wish I could play cash but I'm rubbish lol. Keep up the good work mate, and yeah, hope to see you around here again later, I'm sure we will.

  • edited April 2012
    hi pat,
    i found the 100 buy-ins was good 4 me,
    so i would move up 2 the £3 level once you get your b/roll to £300.
  • edited April 2012
    thanks jc,



  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    Thanks a million John, Your blog has been a great help.I have a quick read of it most days before I start playing just to keep all the ideas fresh im my head.As I'm only starting I will stick to the £2 level.Question 3 was about the amount of games you need to play before you can level up as Im starting out will need to play a lot more games.I haven't had much of a downswing yet and was worrried bout moving up so soon after starting.I only have a small bankroll so the £2 level is managable for the time being.I have already replied to the earlier posts saying I would maybe level up after 200 but maybe 500 or 1000 is the way to go. Thanks very much for your reply. Pat
    Posted by day4eire76
    Hi Pat, no worries :-)

    With that it's up to you really. Usually, I only consider the no. of buy-ins I have before 'levelling up' not the no. of games I've played. It's a very valid consideration, though, and will only do you good I'm sure. If you do go that way, I would say that 200 games would probably be plenty before you can level up.

    Run good :-)
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    hi pat, i found the 100 buy-ins was good 4 me, so i would move up 2 the £3 level once you get your b/roll to £300. :-) devon
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks Devon thats what I will aim for.Long road ahead but am enjoying it.
    Good luck at the tables.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please : Hi Pat, no worries :-) With that it's up to you really. Usually, I only consider the no. of buy-ins I have before 'levelling up' not the no. of games I've played. It's a very valid consideration, though, and will only do you good I'm sure. If you do go that way, I would say that 200 games would probably be plenty before you can level up. Run good :-)
    Posted by JohnConnor

    Thanks again John,

    I will aim for the 200 games and see where I am.Going to start keeping a log of my games.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please : Thanks again John, I will aim for the 200 games and see where I am.Going to start keeping a log of my games.
    Posted by day4eire76

    Also great spot about when to play.
  • edited April 2012
    thanks pat,

    you,ve got me thinking......

    should i start up another dym challenge myself?

    i seem to have lost my way a little with my poker,

    as mentioned,i have been playing cash on another site
    4 the past 5/6 weeks or so.
    and although winning a few squid
    i,ve not got any real focus or incentive to play.

    i have £40.71 in my sky poker account atm.

    what i,m thinking is something like a
    £40-£400 dym challenge.

    if i decide to "go with it"?
    i will start it tomorrow...1st of the month.

    i would like to mention
    that should i decide to start this challenge,
    it is in no way a rival to your endevours Pat,
    one i hope that can run simultaneously with your own.

    obviously,it is more than possible that i could start off badly
    and lose my roll completely....
    but that,s all part of the challenge,isn,t it?

    i,ll spend the rest of the day "chewing it over"

    should i decide to take it on....
    i will start up a new post tomorrow.

    all for now....
    and once again,
    best wishes Pat


  • edited April 2012

    Hello Dev, Day, JC and all other good players,

    Please could you all stick/switch to playing cash so a DYM donkey like me can keep grinding a profit, ty ty.

    Much more money in cash so I've heard!

    Best Wishes,

  • edited April 2012

    "hi Jingles,
    there,s plenty of room for 1 more donkey shirley?"


  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: DYM Advice please:
    lol "hi Jingles, there,s plenty of room for 1 more donkey shirley?" ;-) devon
    Posted by devonfish5
    No, this inn is full!

    Glad ur making money in cash Dev, if that's what keeps u off my tables!

    Lol jk, gl with ur new challenge. :)

  • edited April 2012
    Hi Pat,
    I'm relatively new to poker (4 months) and deposited £50 when i started.
    Donked about £25 playing cash , MTT's etc. until i found a game that i was comfortable with (DYM's).
    Played just over 500 now and showing a nice little profit.
    Recently moved up to £2 / £3 levels and still winning.
    Probably play another 250 at this level and if i'm still winning i'll move up to the £5 tables.

    Good luck and i'm sure we'll bump into each other on the tables.
  • edited May 2012
    Q1 Should I be playing at one level at a time ? find mixing between 1/2 levels keeps the interest higher
    Q2 Is there much difference in play when you go up a level say the £5 buy ins? haven't found much difference even up to £11 TBH - only once went higher by mistake, and won that one, but played tighter than a tight thing
    Q3 As I have only played 100 of these games how many do you think it takes to do well at them and stops being beginners luck? dunno, a few thousand, I've probably played, made some kind of profit, but donked most of it off in MTTS - I really need to get over to cash one of these days!
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