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HU BUMHUNTING (sitting out refusing to play regs). OUTED.
....the list goes on. STOP BUMHUNTING!! Just play, i know its such a shame u guys might have to actually think about something and not just click buttons, but srsly, its embarrassing.
Edited by Mod_JockBMW Please avoid naming players in post such as this. Feel free to have general discussion about it though
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people in glass houses
restricting # of tables is definately needed
By the way, regs refusing to play you is good news for you. You will not have enough of an edge to be profitale against any decent winning heads up reg at 50 NL to 200NL..
Poker players have the right to invest their money in games where they think they will gain a positive return long term, after the rake in deducted. Bookmakers lay odds to punters, not each other. Otherwise all the bookmakers would go broke in the long run, because any edge wont be significant enough to be profitable long term. Good gamblers, almost always gamble when the edge is in their favour.
People would be better served having more of a business mentality when it comes to poker, rather then an ego driven mentality.
However with the limited table spawning here (I think there is an upper limit at the HU Cash tables) surely you must agree on a one table limit per person alone at a table?
best hu player on the site, that what my br suggests anyways
but i agree with the bum hunting bit, i think it is a bit morally wrong i will play someone if they sit at my table, hence ILOVETOAST destroying me!!
why would a "bumhunter" play someone he thinks may be better than him?
Funny how you sit out when the table starts to fill because you have no edge in 6 max, and then you try and justify it.
Maybe if you play some regs at 6 max then they may be more inclined to return the action and play you HU.
or is it just a one way steet you drive on sir!