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Strange Questions

edited November 2009 in The Shed


  • edited November 2009
      Just a quick to see if the brains are working.

      A man wakes up in the middle of the night and turns the radio on. He hears that there has been a major disaster.
     He gets out of bed and turns the light on. Then he kills himself.


    All the info you need is in the question, so good luck with it
  • edited November 2009
      No , he kills himself. The question is why does he kill himself
  • edited November 2009
    heard one similar to this before i think, was he a lighthouse keeper? and by turnnig the lights off ngiht before had caused the accident?
  • edited November 2009
  • edited November 2009
      Ok then lets try another.

      A father and son are out driving when they are involved in an accident. Two ambulances arrive at the scene to deal with them. They are midway between 2 hospitals so 1 ambulance takes the father to one and the other ambulance takes the son to the other.  The father it turns out is not too bad and they will release him after a couple of days. The son however is really bad and requires immediate surgery.

      The surgeon turns up to look at him and announces, i can not operate on him he is my son.
      How is this possible?
  • edited November 2009
    Again ive heard it but will keep quiet this time
  • edited November 2009
    obviosuly the surgeon is female and thus the sons mother
  • edited November 2009
      Well done.this is a question that alot of people struggle on because they automatically assume the surgeon is male
  • edited November 2009
    Heres one for ya

    Pirate Captain Fred and his band of scurvy sea dogs were sailing the seven seas, just like normal for a Wednesday afternoon. "Arrghh, there be the smell o' doubloons, lads, I feels it in me bones," exclaimed Fred. Just moments later, actually it was 5 hours, but moments for the sake of the story, there was a cry from the crow's nest. "Ship ahoy, ship ahoy," shouted Pirate Rook. Sure enough the ship came further and further into view. "Arrrrghhhh, that be the scallywag landlubber, Pirate Ecnic. Load them cannon lads, there's gunna' be fireworks," yelled Fred.

    The ships came together, and all manner of swashbucklin' ensued. Captain Fred won the day, which surprised everyone, including himself, and the victorious scoundrels looted Ecnic's ship. "Cap'n, Cap'n we gots a map, a treasure map. It say it be the map o' Beigebeard 'imself," roared a few of the crew. "But the final secret I takes to Davy Jones' locker," howled Ecnic, whilst being assisted to disembark, and with that he stepped off the end of the plank.

    The crew followed the map's directions and they eventually found themselves in a graveyard, but there the clues ran out. It was a clear night, with a full moon, and the time was about midnight. They searched by candlelight and discovered it was full of Beigebeard's family. There were the graves of Beigebeard himself, his first wife, his second wife, his 9 official children, his 37 unofficial children, his 3 brothers, his 7 sisters and a host of cousins, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. "What is we to do, Cap'n," asked the mangy crew. "Arrrrrrghhhhhh, start diggin', o'er there," bellowed Fred.

    Where had Fred told them to dig for the treasure?
  • edited November 2009
    hmmm if its his treasure map, it must mean he was alive when he buried it.

    The only person we know for sure that died before him would be his first wife, so thats where I would dig

    Whether this is right or wrong, I wish I could apply this type of logic when I'm playing poker ;)
  • edited November 2009
    it is his frist wife, correct, the reason it was his first wife is because "ex" marks the spot
  • edited November 2009
      Ok then next one.

        You are locked in a room and in front of you are 2 buttons. One will kill you and the other will release you from the room. There are also 2 androids in the room who are programmed to point to the buttons. One android will always lie and the other will always tell the truth.But you do not know which is which.

      You are allowed to ask one question to either of the androids.
     What question do you ask?
  • edited November 2009

    assuming both androids know about each other...

    you say to either robot, point to the button that the other robot will tell me to press to get released?

    truth robot will know liar robot is a liar so will point at death button.
    liar robot will know that truth robot will point at release button, but is a liar so points at death button.

  • edited November 2009
     Nicely done. Gonna have to get some harder ones people are getting these too easily
  • edited November 2009
    wasn't easy for me mate, took me half an hour!
  • edited November 2009

    A man goes to the market with a dog, a goose and some corn. He gets to a river, and finds a small boat, however he can only fit himself and 1 other item in the boat. He cant leave the dog alone with the goose as he will eat it, he cannot leave the goose alone with the corn as he will eat it, so how does he manage to get all three accross the river in the boat without incident?

  • edited November 2009
    He eats the goose and the corn! ha.. doubt that's right

  • edited November 2009
      He takes the goose across first then goes back and takes either of the other 2. When he drops that off he takes the goose back with him. He then drops off the goose on the first bank and picks up the other one . After depositing that one he goes back and gets the goose
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Strange Questions:
      He takes the goose across first then goes back and takes either of the other 2. When he drops that off he takes the goose back with him. He then drops off the goose on the first bank and picks up the other one . After depositing that one he goes back and gets the goose
    Posted by Talon
    show off lol
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