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I know i won the hand but im starting to think it was a bad call.
Table was very limpy thats why i didnt re-raise pre flop as i new i would get 3 callers (is this a good or bad aswel?)
Hand History #514313018 (16:29 03/05/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBIGVAL88Small blind £0.05£0.05£14.07dwayne1980Big blind £0.10£0.15£4.98 Your hole cardsKQ MMmm101Raise £0.20£0.35£13.08robham1Call £0.20£0.55£5.69thomas87Call £0.20£0.75£11.86BIGVAL88Fold dwayne1980Call £0.10£0.85£4.88Flop J96 dwayne1980Check MMmm101Bet £0.20£1.05£12.88robham1Call £0.20£1.25£5.49thomas87Raise £0.80£2.05£11.06dwayne1980Call £0.80£2.85£4.08MMmm101Call £0.60£3.45£12.28robham1All-in £5.49£8.94£0.00thomas87Call £4.89£13.83£6.17dwayne1980All-in £4.08£17.91£0.00MMmm101Fold dwayne1980ShowK7 robham1Show6J thomas87ShowKQ Turn 10 River 10 thomas87WinStraight to the King£16.56 £22.73
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I know what you mean about the 10p stacks on here. Its full of very bad players that will limp and still call raises or raises and 3bets that happen after they limp. Which is funny as their hand wasn't good enough to raise but is fine to call a raise or more. Hell, I've just been testing the software and got my QQ cracked by 26 after they called my 3bet to UTG's 3bb opening raise, and then called 2 streets of betting with bottom pair before making two pair on river.... Crazy players I agree.
Still not a good call this one, and one should avoid. Pretty much its ALWAYS bad to chase gutshot draws. Different to bet with a gutshot and overs, as you put them to the question, but unless its cheap you should have got off this hand on the flop. And you did have cheap option to see turn and should have taken it as played, rather than a raise with nothing and risking what happened; IE a shove.
Ok thanks idonkcallu, i put at least one oppo on a FD so thought it was better to charge them to get there? but taking on board what u have said and looking over the hand it would have been better to call and peel a turn as i made my straight and would have felt better about my hand (untill the river lol)
Plus in this case you didn't know this was the case. Mainly because you had one bet and one call before action got to you. Yes, they are weak bets into that pot, but thats still two people that have some interest in that flop, and with a lot of beginners having no idea about bet sizing they could be holding anything right then, and you are holding nothing. So take the free, or cheap cards when you can in a multi way pot or you risk getting blow off your draw etc.
Thanks kam99 it is hard to take sometimes when as u say raise a limper with AK they call u down every street and hit bottom pair with 83 off.
Maybe i was tilting a bit from these bad beats and called because of it, who knows but many thanks for your reply