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Forget BUMHUNTING now folks(no offence)...let's talk poker!!!
Hi folks,
Did anyone see PokerstarsTthe Big Game last night about midnight on channel 5?
They have professionals and one 'loose cannon' that can win a sponsored seat into a series of events as well as keeping their profit.
Anyway the cannon< David Fishman, is up against Phil Helmuth and catches a ten on the river beating Phil's two pair. Phil raises and Fishman's goes all-in after much bad acting etc. Did anyone else feel that it seemed a little too obvious what he had and that it was a terrible call. It just seemed to me that Phil isn't as good in these cash games as tournaments and seems to get extra relish from making 'wunderbar' calls that it clouds his judgement. Don't get me wrong i love watching Phil but do feel that better players can find reads on him or set him to make poor decisions. Your thoughts?..........
Mind this is coming from a player whose MTT graph looks like a downhill ski slope at the the moment!......cheers
PS If you haven't the progs are on youtube too. Maybe someone with better computer abilities than myself can put the link up for others to see. In fact, could someone tell me how to do it.
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Good fun to watch though.
Helmouth is a terrible cash players because he is ego driven 100%
But you can't deny he a legend of a poker player, just look at his last wsop results.
As for PH's call, it's a pretty gross spot TBH. PH really doesn't like being bluffed on TV (a lot of the pros are like this) and PH correctly had him on clubs. Now he's only losing to one club hand, the KQ which he had. The question is does he ever jam all busted draws on the river as well? I'll leave that to better players than me to debate.
I watch these shows and it is pure entertainment, no one wants to be bluffed on TV espcially by an amatuer )
Phil knows the amatuer is never ever shoving this spot with worse, he just has to call !
I think everyone would lock up in this spot, tbh I wouldn't even look at my cards - well I actually just stand