Woops all around for it being a bank holiday Monday, and in true bank holiday style the weather is pants
standard! So stay in with me tomorrow night, oh and Stuart Rutter (he's kind of important, he does all that analysis bit... oh and he is quite good too! ) I am off to see the baby today, my best friend finally had her, she is called Bella and she is indeed beautiful, well as beautiful as new borns can be! They sometimes look like little old wrinkly men no!?
So Sunday night looks like this for us.
7pm-8pm Coverage from Priority Viva Las Vegas Freeroll final table.
8pm-9pm Analyse my PLay will see us looking deep into Stuart's mind whilst looking at his play from MC 25p/50p. I am also going to try to get on for an hour before tomorrow.
9pm-10pm Poker School sees us looking into trapping in MTTs and Cash
10pm-11pm Top of Sky Poker - VIva Las Vegas Semi coverage
11pm-12am Sky Poker Highlights - 10k GTD Primo coverage
So it will be a great show.. I also get to give a away a free seat into next Tuesday's 5k Open!!
We will be running Fowler's fun facts, that is 5 facts about Stuart, but in reality only 1 of them is true
Crafty! Listen throughout the show for the facts, tell us the true one and from all the correct answers we will randomly pick a winner! When you email your answers, we need your name, phone number and fact. Closes at 11.30pm.
Enjoy your weekend, tune in tomorrow night, and don't forget we are ever so interactive, so get involved, send in your questions, hand ids, and banter..
twitter: #skypokertv @sky_poker
Fowler xx
Rutters get thinking of your 5 facts!
Thanks for sending in your hand ID. Unfortunately, this wasn't a TV table and therefore we are unable to show it, but please do feel free to send in any other hand IDs from TV tables (with a little TV icon next to it) and we'll be happy to analyse it live on the show.
The Sky Poker TV Team
Just woundering if you would mind giving a quick shout out for FLASHJONNY who won the first ever Afternoon League which ran over last week.
Im seriously bad for tilting when things are going bad, and being to complacent when i drop a level or things are going well.
What advice would Stuart offer to a player with my mental issues.
Great show & REALLY impressed with Stu's analysis! Also, his piece on emotion was VERY interesting!
how much would it cost to rent him as a life coach?
Rob Steventon aka DonRoberto
Unfortunately, the £500 Bounty Hunter is not a TV table, so I'm afraid we can't show this hand. Please do send any TV table hand IDs through to us (the ones with the little TV icon next to them in the lobby) and we'll do our best to show them.
The Sky Poker TV Team
I've been a lucky fish this week and won my seat at SPT Blackpool. Happily for me that's just over the road from my house. Unhappily for me Tikay, James and Ryan have all ruled themselves out of attending, while Richard has also ruled himself out. So Anna, what are the chances that you and Stuart might be coming to the seaside in beautiful, sunny Blackpool?
(To be fair, I'm less bothered about the blokes than I am about you and Sarah. lol)
Have a good show.
Anyway... I can't believe you've never been up here! We've got loadsa stuff like rollercoasters and beaches (don't go in the water and wash your hands after touching the sand). The G casino is even inside a waterpark and across the road from the Pleasure Beach!
I'm really disappointed that Stuart can't make it. Yep, I'm devastated that a professional poker player can't come and play against me... really upset.
You've got to come and ride the donkeys Anna. Proper donkeys, not the poker players.
Does that make me a bad person?